Current Position
Professor of History, UMass
Visiting Professor, Alfred H. Howell Chair in History and Archaeology, American University of Beirut
Teaching Experience
Associate Professor of History, UMass
Assistant Professor of History, UMass
Visiting Assistant Professor of History, New York University
Instructor of History, Harvard University, School of Extension Studies
Instructor of History, Wellesley College
Administrative Experience
Director, History Institute, UMass
Acting Director, Middle East Studies Program, UMass
Chairman, Department of History, UMass
Graduate Program Director, Department of History, UMass
Director, Middle East Studies Program, UMass
Oxford University
D.Phil, Oriental Studies
Oberlin College
A.B., History
American University of Beirut
junior year
1993 A Modern Middle Eastern History Reader ed. with Albert Hourani and Philip S. Khoury. London: Tauris, and Berkeley: University of California Press. Pp. 691. Translated into Arabic in three volumes as al-Sharq al-awsat al-hadith. Damascus: Dar Tlas, 1996. Revised English edition, London: Tauris, 2004.
1987 King Abdullah, Britain and the Making of Jordan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 289. Paperback edition 1990. Arabic translation, Abd allah wa sharq al-urdunn bayn baritaniyya wa al-hariqah al-sahyuniyya. Damascus: Cadmus Press, 2000.
Books in Preparation
Damascus and the World: 1840 (working title). An analysis of the ritual murder trial that took place in Damascus in 1840 and of what the trial reveals about Damascene society, French cultural politics, and the place of Damascus in the imagination of the West.
Syria: A Country History. Under contract with Cambridge University Press.
2002 “The Damascus Affair and the Beginnings of France’s Empire in the Middle East” in Modern Middle Eastern Studies: Reappraisals and New Perspectives, edited by Hakan Erdem, Israel Gershoni, and Ursula Wokoeck. Boulder: Lynne Reiner, 63-74.
2000 al-Urdunn, the modern period, in Encyclopaedia of Islam. Leiden: Brill, 886-887. (English and French editions).
1995 Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan (with Philip S. Khoury) annotated bibliography in The American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature (third ed., vol. 1). New York: Oxford University Press, 550-52.
1994 Jordan: Bread, Freedom, or Both? Current History, Feb: 87-90.
1991 The Hashemites, Arab Nationalism and the Arab Revolt, in Rashid Khalidi, et al (eds.), The Origins of Arab Nationalism. New York: Columbia University Press, 204-21.
1990 Abdullah ibn Hussein, in Bernard Reich (ed.), Political Leaders of the Contemporary Middle East and North Africa: A Biographical Dictionary. New York: Greenwood, 24-32.
1989 Transjordan: The Structure of Cooperation with Britain, in Claus Scharf and Linda Schatkowski Schilcher (eds.), Der Nahe Osten in der Swischenkriegszeit. Die interdependenz politischer, wirtschaftlicher und ideologischer Entwicklung 1918-1939. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 52-64.
1988 King Abdullah and Palestine, 1921-1948, British Society for Middle East Studies (BRISMES) Bulletin 14: 37-41.
1987 Jordan's Malaise, Current History, Feb: 73-6 and 84-5.
1986 A Passage to Independence: King Abdullah and Jordan, 1920-1951 in Edward Ingram (ed.), National and International Politics in the Middle East. London: Frank Cass, 187-205.
1984 Bibliography of Published Works by A.H. Hourani, International Journal of Middle East Studies 16: 553-63. Updated and reprinted in John Spagnolo, ed., Problems of the Modern Middle East in Historical Perspective. Reading, UK: Ithaca, 1992. Pp. 287-306.
Working Papers
Towards a Comparative History of the Middle East Under Mandate, 1920–1948. Radcliffe College, The Mary Ingraham Bunting Institute, 1989.
Over forty book reviews in International Journal of Middle East Studies, American Historical Review, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, International History Review, Muslim World, Journal of Palestine Studies, British Society of Middle East Studies Bulletin, Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, Middle East Report (formerly MERIP). List available on request.
Fellowships and Honors
1996 University of Massachusetts, Faculty Research Fellowship
1990 University of Massachusetts, Institute for the Advanced Study of the Humanities, Faculty Seminar Fellow
1988 National Endowment for the Humanities Postdoctoral Fellowship (year long)
1988 Fellow, Mary Ingraham Bunting Institute, Radcliffe College (year long)
1984 American Council of Learned Societies/Social Science Research Council, postdoctoral fellowship (year long)
1984 Honorable Mention, Malcolm H. Kerr dissertation competition in the social sciences, sponsored by Middle East Studies Association (MESA).
1982 Oberlin College Alumni Fellowship
1979 Special Research Grant, Oxford University Chest
1978–80 Special Grant for Dissertation Research, St Antony's College, Oxford
Professional Activities
2003– Board Member, Syrian Studies Association
2003–2005 Chair, Prize Committee, Syrian Studies Association
2000– Trustee, American Center for Oriental Research (ACOR), Amman, Jordan
1999– Board Member, Arab Image Foundation, New York, Paris, Beirut 1999-2002 Board Member (elected), Middle East Studies Association
1999–2002 Chair, Ethics Committee, Middle East Studies Association
1994 Prize Committee, Albert H. Hourani book award, Middle East Studies Association
1992 Program Committee, Ninth Berkshire Conference on the History of Women
1987–93 Book review editor, modern history and politics, Middle East Studies Association Bulletin
1987–88 Organizer and participant, study group of recent scholarship on the modern Middle East, Harvard Center for Middle East Studies
1987 Nominating Committee (elected), Middle East Studies Association
Department of History
606 Herter Hall
161 Presidents Drive
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003-9312
Phone: (413) 545-6774
Fax: (413) 545-6137