The Opium Wars to the Opioid Crisis: Drugs and Capitalism in Global History

A HFA Pizza and Prof Event with Historian Matthew Wormer
Join for a talk by Assistant Professor of History Matthew Wormer and gather with other students interested in healthcare to learn what classes are coming up for Spring!

Professor Wormer studies the history of opium in the British Empire and is interested in the history of drugs more broadly. Given the ongoing damage caused by the opioid crisis in the United States and the challenges it has posed to our healthcare system, Professor Wormer seeks to contribute to this initiative by contextualizing this crisis and situating it within a broader historical perspective. This spring he will be offering a course on Drugs and Capitalism in Global History. Read more about Professor Wormer’s work.
Students are invited to gather in Herter 601 on October 30th at 5:00 p.m.

We'll have time for eating and conversation before hearing a short talk at 5:30pm by Professor Wormer titled “The Opium Wars to the Opioid Crisis: Drugs and Capitalism in Global History." His talk will trace the long history of drug epidemics to examine pressing questions about the relationship between capitalist profits and medical ethics in the present. There will be time afterwards for questions and discussion, and at about 6:10-ish, we will invite other faculty to say a word or two about other Spring courses and the humanities certificates more generally.

Come for a quick and tasty meal and lively conversation that will help students and faculty interested in Health Humanities connect with one another, especially as students prepare to register for Spring courses (which opens November 12)!
This event is presented by the College of Humanities and Fine Arts.