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Student learning outcomes 

The history department has aligned its curriculum with the 2016 History Discipline Core from the American Historical Association's Tuning Project. See the 2018 History Department Student Learning Outcomes (PDF) for the current alignment and guidelines for the amount and kind of reading and writing that students can expect in history courses.

Writing and research 

The University Writing Center offers walk-in assistance to writers in all UMass courses. Check out the History Department's Writing Resources and Online Resources pages for additional resources.


There is a breadth of scholarship, fellowship, and study abroad grant opportunities available to history majors. Visit the scholarship page for an updated list of funding opportunities available now. 


Internships help students create a bridge between their academic experiences and future careers. Our Internship and Career Advising Office can help you find an internship.

Graduate school 

After completing your BA, you may choose to go directly on to graduate school. Here are some tips for applying to graduate school in history.

Career Development 

Our Internship and Career Advising Office offers courses, events, and mentorship programs to help you begin your career.