The UMass Oral History Lab serves to bring together students, scholars, and communities to improve oral history projects of all kinds.
The Oral History Lab is the home to a course, "Theory and Method of Oral History," that provides students in the Department of History and across campus with practical oral history experiences. The Oral History Lab also provides introductory, intermediate, and advanced oral history trainings. The lab has hosted trainings at UMass Amherst, Brown University, and the Mass History Conference. To date, workshop attendees have included faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and numerous professionals from museums, historical societies, and libraries across New England. Recent oral histories completed by students and scholars connected to the Oral History Lab include interviews with social justice activists in the Pioneer Valley, oral histories documenting the evolution of the Emily Dickinson Museum, military veterans, and interviews with educators in Holyoke, Massachusetts.
Students or faculty with questions can contact Professor Sam Redman (@email) for more information.
The Oral History Lab is located Herter Annex 121.