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Graduate Study at UMass Amherst

UMass Graduate School Graduate Student Handbook

Department of History Graduate Student Handbook (PDF)

Guide for Teaching Assistants Department of History

Graduate History Association (GHA)
The graduate student organization for history students

Graduate Student Senate (GSS)
The legal governing body of graduate students at UMass Amherst. The GSS serves as the graduate students’ representative body, working and communicating with the University administration, the Board of Trustees, and other governance bodies to present the views, advocate for, and protect the interests of UMass graduate students.

UMass Amherst Center for Teaching
Information and resources for improving your teaching, including the TA Handbook

Hist-grad and hist-phd mailing lists
If you are a current grad student and need to change the address at which you receive hist-grad or hist-phd emails, please contact Mary Lashway to request a change.

H-Grad Web Page
Useful student-only discussion list and extensive selection of resources for graduate school in humanities-based professions.

Career Resources

A guide to the academic job search, by Brian Ogilvie
Career Advice from the Chronicle of Higher Education (several regular columns, including Career Talk, CV Doctor, and Ms. Mentor)
H-Net Job Guide for the Humanities and Social Sciences

Professional and National Organizations 

National Council on Public History 
New England Museum Association
American Historical Association - Resources for Public Historians 
Society for History in the Federal Government 
Oral History Association 
American Association for State and Local History 
Institute of Museum and Library Services 
National Endowment for the Humanities 
National Park Service 
Organization of American Historians 
The Public Historian, UC Press 
U.S. Capitol Historical Society 

Job Boards

American Alliance of Museum Careers Center
American Association for State and Local History Job Listings 
American Association of Museums Aviso Job Listings 
American Historical Association Employment Resources 
National Council on Public History Job Listings 
National Park Service Job Listings 
National Trust for Historic Preservation Job Listings 
Smithsonian Office of Fellowships and Internships 
Society of American Archivists Job Listings 
#HistoryJobs on Twitter

Chronicle of Higher Education job listings