Richard Minear
Professor Emeritus

Professor Emeritus Richard Minear holds a Ph.D. from Harvard University and is the author of Japanese Tradition and Western Law (Harvard, 1970; Japanese translation, 1971), Victors’ Justice: The Tokyo War Crimes Trial (Princeton, 1971; Japanese translation, 1972; re-issue, University of Michigan), and the best-selling Dr. Seuss Goes to War: The World War II Editorial Cartoons of Theodor Seuss Geisel (The New Press, 1999). He is editor of Through Japanese Eyes (Praeger, 1974; 4th edition, CITE, 2007). He is editor/translator of Requiem for Battleship Yamato (Yoshida Mitsuru; University of Washington, 1985; reissue Naval Institute Press), Hiroshima: Three Witnesses (Hara Tamiki, Ota Yoko, and Toge Sankichi; Princeton, 1990), Black Eggs: Poems by Kurihara Sadako (Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, 1994), Japan’s Past, Japan’s Future: One Historian’s Odyssey (Ienaga Saburo; Rowman & Littlefield, 2001), The Scars of War(Takeyama Michio; Rowman & Littlefield, 2007), Hiroshima: The Autobiography of Barefoot Gen (Nakazawa Keiji; Rowman & Littlefield, 2010), War and Conscience in Japan: Nambara Shigeru and the Asia-Pacific War (Rowman & Littlefield/University of Tokyo Press, 2010), The Day the Sun Rose in the West: Bikini, the Lucky Dragon, and I (Oishi Mataschichi; University of Hawaii, 2011). He is a regular contributor to, where his most recent translation has just appeared. Hanaoka monogatari is a proletarian-literary picture book account of a Japanese atrocity against Chinese slave laborers in northern Japan in 1945.
- PhD, Harvard University