"Lost Perspectives: Uncovering Gendered History in Late Colonial Algeria and Tunisia" by Lily Abrahams, advised by Professor Jennifer Heuer
"A Shield of Promises: The Impact of the Strategic Defense Initiative on the Late Cold War" by Nathan Giacalone, advised by Professor Emily Hamilton
"Plutarch's Alexander: Divine Intervention, Heroism and Hilarity in One of Antiquity's Most Magnanimous Butchers" by Conor Morrissey, advised by Professor Jason Moralee
"The Battlefield Casualties of Alexander the Great: Fact of Myth" by Luke Preti, advised by Professor Jason Moralee
"Enforcing the Modernizing Dream: Urban Policing and Modernization in the Turn of the Twentieth Century Americas" by Kyran Doyle Schnur, advised by Professor Joel Wolfe
"Writ in Stone" by William Sennott, advised by Professor Jennifer Fronc
"Sparking Imagination: The Early Education of Dr. Seuss" by Rebecca Simons, advised by Professor Marla Miller