Barcelos C, Gubrium A. Reproducing stories: Strategic narratives of teen pregnancy and motherhood. Social Problems, 2014;61(3): 466-481.
Gubrium A, Barcelos C, Buchanan D, Gubrium, E. “When nothing matters things just happen”: Young parenting women’s reflections on caring, health, and justice. International Quarterly of Community Health Education 2013-2014; 34(2): 121-137.
Gubrium A, Harper K. Participatory Visual and Digital Methodologies. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press. 2013.
Gubrium A, Hill A, Flicker S. A situated practice of ethics for participatory visual and digital methods in public health research and practice: A focus on digital storytelling. American Journal of Public Health 2014;104(9): 1606-1614.
Gubrium A, Krause EL, Jernigan K. Strategic authenticity and voice: New ways of seeing and being seen as young mothers through digital storytelling. Sexuality Research & Social Policy. Published online, June 3, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/x13178-014-0161-x
Gubrium A, Shafer, M. Sensual sexuality education with young parenting women. Health Education Research 2014; 29(4): 649-661.