Campus Construction Updates and Detour Information
Center for Women and Community
180 Infirmary Way, New Africa House
The Center for Women and Community offers the following resources: information and referral services, rape crisis services, counseling services, specialized teen services, community education, teen education services, specialized teen services, Latina community services.
Graduate Employee Organization (GEO)
201 Student Union
GEO-UAW is the union for graduate employees at UMass Amherst, and is a unit of United Auto Workers Local 2322. They represent teaching assistants, teaching associates, research assistants, project assistants, assistant residence directors, graduate interns, fellows, and trainees. They also mediate grievances between graduate employees and their employers.
International Programs Office (IPO)
467 Hills South
IPO provides a range of services for international students, including but not limited to events and trips, travel and visa information, how to maintain enrollment status, and occasionally, employment opportunities.
The IPO Resource Guide, although made with international students in mind, is very useful for anyone new to the area and/or adjusting to UMass.
Safe Passage
43 Center St., Suite 304, Northampton, MA
Safe Passage was founded in 1977 to serve the survivors of domestic violence and their friends and families. With their mission to end domestic violence, Sage Passage operates with several guiding principles, which include but are not limited to: survivor centered and trauma informed, accessibility to all community members, evolve and change based on research and best practices, everyone has a part in ending domestic violence, and ending domestic violence is part of the work to dismantle all forms of oppression.
Women of Color Leadership (WOCLN)
Room 127 New Africa House
The purpose of the Women of Color Leadership Network (WOCLN) is to connect women of color to each other for mutual support and learning. Through mentoring, workshops, events and programming WOCLN raises women’s consciousness around issues of social identities, self-care, and self-expression.
Stonewall Center
256 Sunset Ave, Crampton Hall
The Stonewall Center has been providing support to the LGBTQ and their allies since 1985. Serving the UMass community and the Pioneer Valley, they seek to provide cultural and educational programming about heterosexism, genderism, and sexual and gender prejudice. Throughout the year the center offers LGBT ally training and free and anonymous HIV and STD testing.
Student Legal Services Office (SLSO)
922 Campus Center
The mission of SLSO is to provide counseling, advice, research, education, representation, and referral for all fee-paying students at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst concerning legal matters (e.g. tenant/landlord, divorces, traffic violations including DUIs, visas and green-cards).
Information Technology
A109 Lederle Graduate Research Center (LGRC)
UMass IT provides computing, telecommunications, and instructional assistance to graduate students. Some of the services they provide include software discounts, online file storage, network connectivity, SPIRE assistance, workshops and training, and many more.