Home and Family Assistance

Student Parent Programs
428 Student Union

The programs and services provide UMass families with support, education, and resources, not only to meet those challenges, but to succeed. Their website provides a snapshot of the family support programs and services available both on the UMass Amherst campus and in the greater Amherst area.

Childcare Assistance GSS.

919 Campus Center                                           

Graduate Student Senate (GSS) provides Child Care Assistance to help parents pay for the cost of childcare through a voucher program. If you are a graduate student with one or more children of up to 12 years of age, you are eligible to apply to the GSS Child Care Assistance Program.

Childcare Assistance: GEO
201 Student Union

Graduate Employee Organization (GEO) offers childcare funding through the GEO contract. The University provides a subsidy to the University Child Care (UCC) flexcare classroom so that graduate students and others in need of part-time (6-30 hrs/week) care pay a lower-rate according to a needs-based sliding-fee.

Women, Infants and Children (WIC) 

Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP)

Not Bread Alone
165 Main St., Amherst, MA. First Congressional Church

Not Bread Alone is a community program serving free food. They serve on Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and US major holidays. Not Bread alone is one of a broad range of social services provided by the Center for Human Development (CHD), which serves Western Massachusetts and Connecticut.