

The GSG shall hold at least one regular meeting each month while in session during the academic year. All regular senate meeting dates shall be set within the first two weeks of each semester. Meeting times and locations shall be determined by the executive committee and published at least 48 hours in advance. 

Agendas for regular meetings shall be developed by the President under the advice of the Executive Committee, and shall be made available to the membership twenty-four hours in advance of the meeting.

A quorum of the Senate for the purposes of a regular meeting shall consist of twenty-five percent of the Senators in good standing as defined in the Bylaws. 

All meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order, unless superseded by the Bylaws. All meetings are bound by The Commonwealth of Massachusetts on Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. c. 30A, §§ 18-25. 

The meeting schedule for the Fall 2024 semester is as follows:

  • September: 6th and 20th
  • October: 18th
  • November: 15th
  • December: 6th

General Graduate Student Body 

The GSG president or GSG Senate (via a motion duly passed) may call a General Meeting of the Graduate Students. Agendas for general meetings shall be developed by the President under the advice of the Executive Committee and shall be made available to the membership twenty-four hours in advance of the meeting.  A quorum of the graduate students for the purposes of a general meeting shall consist of ten percent of fee paying graduate students including Senators. 

Executive Committee

Meetings shall be open to all who wish to attend except during closed sessions. A quorum for all business shall be three members of the Committee.