GSG Structure

With the official change to the Graduate Student Government, there has also been a change in the structure of the GSG.

The GSG consists of three branches; the executive, the legislative (the senate), and the judicial branch. The judicial branch is independent of the executive and legislative branches. 

The executive branch is overseen by the President and consists of the Vice President, Treasurer, Chief of Staff, and the Secretary of University Relations and Communications. The President also acts as the President of the Senate. The Senate (legislative branch) is overseen by the Speaker of the Senate, followed by the Associate Speaker of the Senate, and consists of the Senators and respective committee chairs. All members of the executive branch are ex-official members of the Senate. This means that all executive branch members are expected to attend senate meetings, but have no voting power. 

The judicial branch consists of 5 justices who are appointed by the executive branch. The 5 justices then vote and elect the Chief Justice who oversees all judicial activities.

All three branches come together to form the steering committee. The Steering committee is chaired by the President, with the Speaker sitting as the associate chair. The committee itself is made up of the Vice President, Treasurer, Chief Justice, and 2 elected committee chairs. All other members of the GSG are considered ex-official members of the steering committee and are permitted to attend steering committee meetings, but have no voting power.