How are rising sea levels and more frequent flood events impacting communities and economies and the coastal ecosystems around them?
At the Gloucester Marine Station, we work with UMass Amherst faculty across environmental conservation, geosciences, engineering, resource economics, and landscape architecture and regional planning. We also collaborate with the School of Earth and Sustainability (SES), the Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center (NE CASC), and the Center for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment (CAFE).
Let us tell you about some of the projects we're working on right now.
Regional Resilience Research and Demonstration: Coalition-Building
We’re exploring coastal communities’ climate resilience knowledge and needs to advance priority research and implement solutions. Review the “Climate Resilience Survey of Massachusetts Municipalities,” developed in coordination with 20 faculty across the UMass system and with the support of the Massachusetts Municipal Association.
Salt Marsh Working Group
Formed in 2018 by UMass Amherst's Gloucester Marine Station and the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, the Mass ECAN (Ecosystem Climate Adaptation Network) Salt Marsh Working Group convenes over 140 state, federal, university, and nonprofit scientists, coastal land managers and regulators, spanning Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, and Rhode Island.
Northeast Center for Coastal Resilience (NCCR):
As an NCCR collaborator, Gloucester Marine Station works across UMass campuses (Amherst, Lowell, Boston, and Dartmouth) and with partners to provide priority coastal science research, inform policy and local decision-making, support sustainable blue economy development, and facilitate strategic regional collaborations.