Below is a list of both internal (UMass Amherst) and outside groups that we are partnering with in order to help protect and promote the health of people across the globe.
UMass Partnerships
- Center for Research on Families
- Center for Community Health Equity Research
- Institute for Social Science Research
- Institute for Applied Life Sciences
External Partnerships
Innovara Inc. is a global business and management development company, focused on sales, marketing, and management performance. We are known worldwide for our highly customized training, medical thought leadership, and business development and strategy services for the healthcare, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries. Our ultimate goal is to help industry, providers, payers, policy makers, and advocacy leaders to improve the healthcare of people.
Alliance for Global Health Innovation is a nonprofit organization that engages in public health research, education and outreach by uniting government, industry, and local communities. We aim to work through our partners to increase awareness, create pathways for access and to foster education for integrating technology into healthcare solutions, particularly for marginalized diseases where people live with stigma and are limited to diagnosis, treatment and care. We partner with other non-profits, governments from around the world, industry and local communities to advance innovation in public health.” AFGI is based in Atlanta, GA.
Opportunities for Communities, Inc. (OfC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization established in 2009 and based in Amherst, Massachusetts. OfC's mission is to engage communities through education to generate sustainable development opportunities across international boundaries. OfC has collaborated with the University of Massachusetts Institute for Global Health since 2011.
Cardno ChemRisk is a scientific consulting firm that is respected worldwide for its risk assessment experience, technical capabilities, industry leadership and pioneering spirit. We specialize in helping clients characterize the health and environmental risk associated with complex exposures involving chemicals, pharmaceuticals or radionuclides in a variety of media and environments. Using state-of-the-art techniques and methodologies, we lead the way in providing sustainable, science-based solutions to complex challenges and in preventing problems from occurring in the first place. The Cardno ChemRisk Centers of Excellence are designed to accelerate innovation and results, and often work with government, industry and academia to drive collaboration and best practices.
Midwives for Haiti, founded in 2006, is a nonprofit dedicated to providing skilled maternity care to mothers in Haiti. Physicians and Midwives extends their skills beyond our borders to help Haitian women in need of prenatal care and delivery.
In the Spotlight
"Engaging in global health discourse during this time of COVID-19 is even more important than ever. We look forward to engaging our partners to expand networking and create global health collaboration, internship, and practicum opportunities."