The J-1 visa's formal name is the Exchange Visitor Program (EVP). The EVP is administered by the U.S. Department of State for the purpose of fostering mutual educational and cultural exchange. The program allows international students, scholars, professors, researchers, specialists, etc., to participate in academic (study or teaching) and research activities in the U.S. on a temporary nonimmigrant status.  

The J-1 visa cannot be used for tenure-track or tenured appointments as well as Managerial and Professional (M&P) or Clerical and Technical (C&T) positions. Here is a list of acceptable J-1 Scholar job titles. 

UMass Amherst and all J-1 participants must comply with the Exchange Visitor Program regulations found at 22 CFR Part 62. Note that participation in cross-cultural activities is an integral part of the exchange visitors’ program in the U.S.

Exchange Visitor Categories 

UMass Amherst sponsors these categories under the J-1 Exchange Visitor Program:

Category Description Maximum Duration 212e Subjectivity Bar on Repeat Participation
Research Scholar/Professor 
  • Individuals who come to UMass Amherst primarily for the purpose of conducting research, teaching, or clinical observation 
Maximum duration of 5 years  Maybe Yes
Short-Term Scholar 
  • If there is any possibility the appointment will be extended beyond six months, then it is best to use the J-1 Research Scholar/Professor category. 

  • Will not be subject to the 12 or 24-month bar but could be subject to the Two-Year Home Country Residence requirement. This is an important consideration if the individual frequently travels to the U.S. for academic or other employment-based assignments. 

  • Can be used more than once, but each repeat visit must be based on a new academic objective and separated by at least 6 months. 

Maximum duration of 6 months (no extensions) Maybe No*
  • UMass Amherst brings scholars to the U.S. in this category under special circumstances and for certain types of appointments only.
Maximum duration of 1 year Maybe No*

*UMass Amherst requires at least 6 months between J-1 Scholar programs; each repeat visit must be based on a new academic objective.