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International Gen Ed Database

To use this database, filter results by selecting from the drop-down menus on the left or using the search bars.
  • Search the International Gen Ed Database by courses “Not Approved” to make sure that the Gen Ed Committee has not already reviewed the course in question.
  • If you plan to take an approved course, you do not need to submit the General Education Course Request form.
  • If you would like the Gen Ed Committee to review a new course submit a International General Education Course Request form. Be sure to follow the instructions before submitting your request.

Three-Credits Gen Eds

If you began your studies at UMass as a Freshman and take a three-credit Gen Ed course while studying abroad, you may have the option to switch from Freshman to Transfer Gen Ed requirements. This change allows a three-credit course to fulfill a Gen Ed requirement, though additional coursework may be necessary to meet graduation requirements.

Under Transfer Gen Ed rules, each Gen Ed requirement can be met with either a 3- or 4-credit course with the appropriate designation. However, students following Transfer Gen Ed requirements must also complete two additional Gen Ed courses in any area (except writing) to meet overall credit requirements for graduation.

 For guidance on the best course of action ahead of your upcoming program, please consult your Education Abroad or Academic Advisor.

Returnee Students

Returnee students with further questions or who wish to file a Request for Change to Transfer General Education Requirements form can visit Transfer Credit Services in 213 Whitmore or contact them by email at @email.

Please email @email if you have general questions about Gen Ed courses.