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Departmental Course Approval Process

During the application process, you will be guided through steps needed to gain approvals for courses in your major.

The course approval process is roughly outlined here:

  1. Navigate to your program’s website and browse the course catalog.
  2. Pick out courses you think would satisfy your UMass requirements based on course descriptions and/or syllabi and save this information for your Academic Advisor to review.
  3. Fill out the International Course Approval Form (ICAF) and work with your Academic Advisor to gain approval for courses specific to your major(s).
  4. Pre-approve more courses than you plan to take (and be flexible).

If your plan doesn't involve taking courses abroad that fulfill major requirements, simply check the box indicating so on the ICAF and send it over to your academic advisor for their signature.

Database of Departmental Courses Abroad

This searchable tool allows you to explore classes that have previously received departmental international course approval from other students. While this database provides a helpful reference, please remember that each course still requires your academic advisor's approval for fulfilling specific requirements in your program. Additionally, course availability can change, so it's important to verify if the course is still being offered and if you are eligible enroll.

Tips on using the database:

  • UMass Equivalency: Use this search tool to find specific UMass courses abroad.  
  • UMass Department: Use this search tool to find all courses previously approved by an advisor in your department.
  • Course Title Contains: Search the course list using key words.
  • Program: Use this search tool if you have already chosen a program or if you are deciding between programs.
  • University: Use this search tool to find all courses at a specific abroad university that have been approved in the past. You would use this tool if multiple Global Education programs offer courses at the same university (for example VU Amsterdam Exchange and CEA CAPA Netherlands both offer courses at Vrije University Amsterdam)

Minor or Certificate Departmental Approvals

If you are taking courses for your minor or certificate program, you do not need to submit a course approval form. However, we encourage you to seek course approval from your minor advisor prior to your program.