When studying abroad, it's important to consider how your beliefs and religious identity may be perceived in the destinations where you will be traveling. Familiarizing yourself with these perceptions will allow you to foresee any potential challenges and opportunities that may arise while abroad. Additionally, you may find it helpful to research what religious communities and attitudes do exist in your host country as they could be quite different from at home.
Here are some things to consider as your plan:
- Maintaining religious practice, including finding places of worship
- What level of practice is important for you to maintain?
- What will you need to pack?
- What accommodations might you need to be able to safely maintain your practice? (i.e. prayer times and spaces, attending services, dietary considerations, etc.)
- Research your destination and speak to people like you who have traveled there before.
- Speak with your Education Abroad Advisor about how your religion is perceived in your host country.
I Am UMass Abroad
Hear from Dan Passov (‘26) as he talks about his experiences with maintaining religious identity and practices during his time abroad.
Campus, study abroad, and other resources.
- I Am UMass Abroad: video stories from UMass study abroad alumni.
- Diversity Abroad: a website dedicated to helping students of diverse backgrounds study abroad; includes advice, scholarship information, student testimonials, and more.
- IFSA Student Stories: inclusive blogs and stories from study abroad alumni