Ability Abroad
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies only in the US, and it is crucial to plan ahead to learn if your current accommodations are available. Understanding your accommodation needs will help you choose a country and program that can support your psychological, learning, physical disabilities, and/or chronic health conditions. Disclose your accommodation needs or concerns early on to your Education Abroad Advisor, Exchange University, or Partner Program Coordinator to confirm what the access will be abroad.
How does your host country view disabilities?
What documentation does your Exchange University or Partner Program need?
Will you need accommodation on your flights?
Is your medication legal in your host country and can it be prescribed if you run out? Is it legal in countries you plan to visit?
Discuss your plans with your care team whenever possible, and make sure they are aware of their role in supporting you through the process if necessary.
Can you easily access and maneuver in your assigned housing?
Are you able to get to your classes?
Are there planned excursions or activities in which you will not be able to participate?
If you have regular visits to your care team, how will you have access to these services abroad?
Will you be able to safely navigate the sidewalks and public transportation? Can you easily access public buildings?
I Am UMass Abroad
Hear from Theo Schade (‘26) about their experiences with managing physical conditions abroad and navigating accommodations.
Academic Accommodations Abroad
While certain programs abroad may provide comparable academic accommodations for students registered with UMass Disability Services, it's crucial to recognize that not all programs offer uniform levels of support and accessibility.
What is the course structure like, and who are the instructors? What types of coursework are expected in the study abroad program?
Does the program fit my learning style?
I rely on interpreting and/or real-time captioning. Will these services be accessible during my study abroad experience?
I require additional time for coursework and exams. Will this be offered at the program I have chosen and, if so, does the amount of extended time meet my needs?
Campus, study abroad, and other resources.
- I Am UMass Abroad: video stories from UMass study abroad alumni.
- Diversity Abroad: a website dedicated to helping students of diverse backgrounds study abroad; includes advice, scholarship information, student testimonials, and more.
- IFSA Student Stories: inclusive blogs and stories from study abroad alumni