The area of food safety encompasses microbiological and toxicological problems related to the processing, handling, and consumption of food. The Food Safety Group in the Food Science department has the expertise to address and solve numerous problems within the food industry associated with food pathogens and contaminants. The faculty members in this group have expertise in the biochemical processes involved in the growth and detection of foodborne pathogens and their toxins. Other areas of emphasis include the development of sensitive and rapid detection methods, optimization of cleaning and sanitation, mathematical models to assess and predict microbiological hazards, potential toxicological effects associated with consumption of food-grade nanoparticles, and use of natural products as bacteriostats or bactericides.
- Core Faculty: Drs. Gibbons, He, McLandsborough, Moore, and Kinchla
- Contributing Faculty: Drs. McClements, Lu, Park, and Xiao