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  • Format
    • Times New Roman, 12 point, 6 lines per vertical inch or fewer, 1 inch margin


  • Project Narrative (18 pages, not including references)
    • Introduction
      Include a clear statement of the long-term goal(s) and supporting objectives of the proposed project. Summarize the body of knowledge or past activities that substantiate the need for the proposed project. Describe ongoing or recently completed activities significant to the proposed project including the work of key project personnel. Include preliminary data/information pertinent to the proposed project.
    • Rationale and Significance
      Concisely present the rationale behind the proposed project. The potential long-range improvement in and sustainability of U.S. agriculture and food systems should be shown clearly. Any novel ideas or contributions that the proposed project offers should also be discussed in this section
    • Approach
      a) A description of the activities proposed and the sequence in which the activities are to be performed;
      b) Methods to be used in carrying out the proposed project, including the feasibility of the methods;
      c) Expected outcomes;
      d) Means by which results will be analyzed, assessed, or interpreted;
      e) How results or products will be used;
      f) Pitfalls that may be encountered;
      g) Limitations to proposed procedures;
      h) A full explanation of any materials, procedures, situations, or activities related to the project that may be hazardous to personnel, along with an outline or precautions to be exercised to avoid or mitigate the effects of such hazards; and
      i) A timeline for attainment of objectives and for production of deliverables that includes annual milestones with specific, measurable outcomes.

See a recent USDA NIFA RFA for details (italicized portions are reproduced from the 2013 RFA)