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Math and Statistics

MATH 127 Calculus for the Life & Social Sci I*** _________
MATH 128 Calculus for the Life & Social Sci II*** _________
RES EC 212 Intro Statistics for the Social Sciences
or STATS 240 Introduction to Statistics _________

Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics

CHEM 111 General Chemistry for Sci & Eng Majors _________
CHEM 112 General Chemistry for Sci & Eng Majors _________
CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry I for Non-Majors _________
CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry II for Non-Majors _________
CHEM 269 Organic Lab for Non-Major _________
BIOCHEM 320 Elementary Biochemistry _________
BIOCHEM 321 Biochemistry Lab _________
Physics 131 Intro to Physics 1 with lab _________
Physics 132 Intro to Physics 2 with lab _________

Biology and Microbiology

Bio 110 Introductory Biology for Sci Majors (or Bio 151) _________
FD SCI 466&467 Nutritional Microbiology&Lab (or Microbio 310&265) _________


Fd Sci 270 Biology of Food in Human Health
or Nutr 230 Basic Nutrition _________

Required Food Science Courses

Fd Sci 103 Introduction to Food Science (or another 100-level FS class) _________
Fd Sci 265 Survey of Food Science _________
Fd Sci 266 Survey of Food Science Lab _________
Fd Sci 391C Junior Year Writing _________
Fd Sci 541 Food Chemistry _________
Fd Sci 542 Food Chemistry 2 _________
Fd Sci 544 Food Chemistry Lab _________
Fd Sci 567 Food Microbiology _________
Fd Sci 566 Food Microbiology Lab _________
Fd Sci 575 Elements of Food Process Engineering _________
Fd Sci 561 Food Processing (IE) _________
Fd Sci 563 Food Processing Lab (IE) _________
Fd Sci 581 Analysis of Food Products _________
Fd Sci 583 Food Analysis Lab _________


Fd Sci 391R Undergraduate Research (1 cr, offered every semester) Strongly suggested for students participating in undergraduate laboratory independent study.
Fd Sci 590B Food Quality (4 cr, offered in Fall)
Fd Sci 590A Food Science Policy (3 cr, offered in Spring)

Students must take 120 credits to graduate and complete the Gen Ed requirements of the University.



Updated April 2024