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University Costs

UMass Amherst tuition, fees, room and board rates are established each spring for the following academic year. Learn more about university costs.


You must meet several requirements to be eligible for financial aid. Learn more about eligibility.

Student Employment Office

Most graduate students at UMass Amherst are hired through the graduate appointment process as teaching assistants, research assistants, interns, etc. Your best option for finding a research assistantship is to contact individual faculty. Visit Student Employment for more information.

Full-time Status

Students who completed all course and thesis/dissertation requirements and take less than 9 credits in a semester should request an override for full-time status. This can be done by e-mailing Moriah ( The full-time status override has to be done before the beginning of every semester you enrolled. This applies to both U.S. and non-U.S. students.

Procedure for handling problems arising between a graduate student and the faculty mentor

If a graduate student is dissatisfied with mentorship by their advisor, the student should bring this up with any Food Science faculty and/or lab technicians.