Ph.D. Degree in Food Science - Graduate Handbook
Ph.D. Degree in Food Science - Graduate Handbook Bill LeahyRequirements
- Course requirements (listed below)
- Comprehensive exam (information in pages 13, 19, & 20)
- Prospectus (information in pages 14-15)
- Defense (information in pages 16-17)
- Checklist (page 18)
Course requirements
The PhD coursework is dependent on the student’s background and level. Students must get approval from your advisor on course selection.
- 18 dissertation credits are required to complete the degree. A maximum of 9 dissertation credits can be registered per semester. The dissertation credits can be used to reach the maximum of 16 credits per semester.
- Students should meet the following requirements for courses taken during the degree:
Category 1 (all students)
• 3 credits Research methods (FS797R)
Category 2 (all students)
• 1 credit Teaching Experience (FS796T)
Category 3 (all students)
• 2 credits Graduate Seminar (FS791A/792A, 1 credit each, 2 separate semesters). A minimum 1 letter grade seminar (require presentation)
Category 4a (Students with Food Science MS)
• 6 credits from courses within the Department ≥600 level
• One ≥600 level can be outside department upon advisor’s approval
Category 4b (Students with Food Science BS)
• 9 credits from courses within the Department ≥600 level
• One 500 level can be used to replace ≥600 level upon advisor’s approval
Category 4c (Students with non-Food Science MS)
• 6 credits from courses within the Department ≥600 level
• 6 credits 500 level (any two of Fd Chem, Fd Micro, or Fd Proc/Eng, both courses cannot be in the same area, e.g. Fd Chem)
• One ≥600 level can be outside department upon advisor’s approval
Category 4d (Students with non-Food science BS)
• 9 credits from courses within the Department ≥600 level
• 6 credits 500 level (any two of Fd Chem, Fd Micro, or Fd Proc/Eng, both courses cannot be in the same area, e.g. Fd Chem)
• One ≥600 level can be outside department upon advisor’s approval
• One 500 level can be used to replace ≥600 level upon advisor’s approval
Category 4e (Students with UMass Food Science MS)
• FS796T and 1 credit of seminar (FS791A, letter grade
Residency Requirements
The Graduate school requires two consecutive semesters of residency for graduation, fulfilled by registering and earning 9 or more credits in two consecutive semesters. Most students complete this requirement during their first 2 semesters.
Required Processes and Forms
- Comprehensive oral exam: Student requests advisor to form the comprehensive oral exam committee (at least 4 faculty). The exam is suggested to be completed within 18 months of starting the degree. The chair of the Comprehensive Exam Committee sends the nomination (results of comprehensive exam) to GPD.
- Appointment of dissertation committee: Student requests advisor to send email to GPD requesting the appointment of dissertation committee (should include at least 3 internal members (including advisor, and 1 external member).
- Submission of prospectus: Student submits signed prospectus/outline signature sheet to graduate school after completion of prospectus (At least 6 months before defense).
- Notification of final defense: Student requests advisor to send e-mail to GPD for a memo with dissertation defense date, time, location, and title of dissertation. This should be done at least one month prior to defense date.
- Final defense: After completing the final defense, the student requests advisor to send e-mail to GPD for results of defense, date passed, and committee names.
- Submission of dissertation: Student submits the signed dissertation signature sheet (ask Moriah for template and set up DocuSign) and the Doctoral degree eligibility form to the graduate school after completion of successful defense.
- Archiving of dissertation: Student submits dissertation electronically to ScholarWorks@UMassAmherst.
- Specific timing depends on individual student’s progress.
- Additional information can be found at
- You can submit the required documents by either emailing them to UMass Graduate School Student Records at @email or by handing them in at the Graduate Student Service Center, 534 Goodell Building.
- Please complete the section B, residency requirement semesters, before sending out for signatures.
- Prof. Lili He,, (344 Chenoweth Lab) is the Food Science GPD.