Micha Peleg
Professor Emeritus of Food Processing
Field of Study
Rheology of brittle foods; squeezing flow viscometry; physical properties of powders; texture perception, microbial population dynamics; microbial survival and growth kinetics.
Rheology - the mechanics of soft and brittle foods, squeezing flow viscometry of semi liquid foods, powders characterization and technology, mathematical modeling and prediction of microbial inactivation and growth, interpretation of fluctuating industrial microbial counts and other irregular quality control records.
G.W. Scott-Blair Memorial Award (Rheology) of the American Association of cereal Chemists.
Listed by ISI as highly cited researcher.
Member of the International Academy of Food Science and Technology.
Fellow of the World Innovation Foundation.
Peleg, M. 2006. Advanced quantitative microbiology for food and biosystems: Models for predicting growth and inactivation. CRC Press, Boca Raton FL.
Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2006. Solid food foams. In: Aguillera, J.M. and Lillford, P. Eds. Properties of food cellular solids and food composites. Springer Verlag. New York. (in press).
Peleg, M., Normand, M.D., Horowitz, J. and Corradini, M.G. 2006. An expanded Fermi solution for microbial risk assessment. International Journal of Food Microbiology (in press - available on line).
Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2006. Shelf-life estimation from accelerated storage data. Trends in Food Science and Technology (in press).
Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2006. Direction reversals in the mechanical signature of cellular snacks: A measure of brittleness? Journal of Texture Studies 37, 538-552.
Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2006. Linear and non-linear kinetics in the synthesis and degradation of acrylamide in foods and model systems. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 46:489-517.
Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2006. Prediction of vitamin loss during non-isothermal heat processes and storage with non-linear kinetic models. Trends in Food Science & Technology 17:24-34.
Corradini, M.G., Normand, M.D. and Peleg, M. 2006. On expressing the equivalence of non-isothermal and isothermal heat sterilization processes. J. Sci. Food Agric. 86:785-792.
Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2006. On modeling and simulating transitions between microbial growth and inactivation or vice versa. Intnl. J. Food Microbiol. 108:22-35.
Peleg, M. 2006. On fundamental issues in texture evaluation and texturization. Food Hydrocolloids 20:405-414.
Corradini, M.G., Amézquita, A., Normand M.D. and Peleg, M. 2006. Modeling and predicting non-isothermal microbial growth using general purpose software. Intnl. J. Food Microbiol 106:223-328.
Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2006. The non-linear kinetics of microbial inactivation and growth. In: Brul, S., Zwietering, M. and van Grewen, S. (Eds.) Modelling microorganisms in food. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK. (In press).
Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2005. Consistency of dispersed food systems and its evaluation by squeezing flow viscometry. J. Texture Studies 36: 605-629.
Corradini, M.G., Normand, M.D. and Peleg, M. 2005. Calculating the efficacy of heat sterilization processes. J. Food Engr. 67:59-69.
Barrett, A., Cardelo, A., Maguire, P. and Peleg, M. 2005. Moisture distribution and textural changes in stored model sandwiches. J. Texture Studies 36:569-589.
Peleg, M., Normand, M.D. and Corradini, M.G. 2005. Generating microbial survival curves during thermal processing in real time. Journal of Applied Microbiology 98:406-417.
Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2005. Estimating non-isothermal bacterial growth in foods from isothermal experimental data. Journal of Applied Microbiology 99:187-200.
Peleg, M. 2005. Mixtures of food powders and particulates. In: Onwulata, C.I. (Ed.) Encapsulated and Powdered Foods. CRC Taylor & Francis, New York. pp.27-37.
Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2004. Demonstration of the Weibull-Log logistic survival model's applicability to non isothermal inactivation of E. coli K12 MG1655. Journal of Food Protection 67:2617-2621.
Periago, P.M., van Zuijlen, A., Fernandez, P.S., Klapwijk, P.M., ter Steeg, P.F., Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2004. Estimation of the non-isothermal inactivation patterns of Bacillus sporothermodurans IC4 spores in soups from their isothermal survival data. Intntl. J. of Food Micro. 95:205-218.
Peleg, M., Corradini, M.G. and Normand, M.D. 2004 Kinetic models of complex biochemical reactions and biological processes. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 76:413-423.
Corradini, M. G. and Peleg, M. 2004. A model of non-isothermal degradation of nutrients, pigments and enzymes. J. Science Food Agric. 84:217-226.
Hadas, O., Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2004. Statistical analysis of the fluctuating counts of fecal bacteria in the water of lake Kinneret. Water Research 38:79-88.
Peleg, M. 2004. Analysing the effectiveness of thermal preservation processes. In: Richardson, P. (Ed.): Improving thermal processing. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK. (See Peleg, 2003. Modelling applied to processes: the case of thermal preservaton - Reprinted with very minor changes upon the publisher's request.)
Peleg, M. and Normand, M.D. 2004. Calculating microbial survival parameters and predicting survival curves from non-isothermal inactivation data. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 44:409-418.
Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2003. A model of microbial survival curves in water treated with a volatile disinfectant. J. Appl. Microbiol. 95:1268-1276.
Peleg, M. 2003. Modelling applied to processes: the case of thermal preservation. In: Zeuthen, P. and Bøgh-Sørensen, L. (Eds.): Food preservation techniques. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK. pp. 507-523.
Peleg, M. 2003. Microbial survival curves: Interpretation, mathematical modeling and utilization. Comments on Theoretical Biology 8:357-387.
Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2003. A theoretical note on the estimation of the number of recoverable spores from survival curves having an activation shoulder. Food Research Intnl. 36:107-1013.
Peleg, M., Normand, M. D. and Campanella, O.H. 2003. Estimating microbial inactivation parameters from survival curves obtained under varying conditions - The linear case. Bulletin Mathemat. Biol. 65:219-234.
Kampf, N., Gonzalez Martinez, C., Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2003. Effect of two gums on the development, rheological properties and stability of egg albumen foams. Rheologica Acta 42:259-268.
Gonzalez Martinez, C., Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2003. Effect of moisture on the mechanical properties of pork rind ('chicharon'). Food Sci. Technol. Intnl. 9:249-255.
Peleg, M. 2003. Calculation of the non-isothermal inactivation patterns of microbes having sigmoidal isothermal semi-logarithmic survival curves. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 43:645-658.
Peleg, M. 2003. The mechanical properties of brittle cellular and particulated foods. In: Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. Food Rheology & Structure. (Fischer, P., Martin, I. and Windhab, E.J., Eds.) pp. 75-81, ETH, Zurich.
Peleg, M. 2003. Mechanical properties of food powders. In: Barbosa Canovas, G.V. and Juliano, P. (Eds.): Food Engineering - a volume of the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. UNESCO-EOLSS, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK.
Gonzalez-Martinez, C., Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2003. Probabilistic models of foods microbial safety and nutritional quality. J. Food Engng. 56:135-142.
Chanasattru, W., Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2002. Determination of practically significant differences in the sensorily perceived consistency of semi liquid foods. J. Texture Studies 33:445-460.
Peleg, M., Engel, R., Gonzalez-Martinez, C. and Corradini, M.G. 2002. Non Arrhenius and non WLF kinetics in food systems. J. Sci. Food Agric. 82:1346-1355.
Kampf, N. and Peleg, M. 2002. Characterization of chickpea (cicer arietum L.) pastes using squeezing flow viscometry. Rheologica Acta 41:549-556.
Peleg, M. 2002. A model of survival curves having an 'activation shoulder'. J. Food Sci. 67:2438-2443.
Peleg, M. 2002. Simulation of E. coli inactivation by carbon dioxide under pressure. J. Food Sci. 67:896-901.
Campanella, O. H. and Peleg, M. 2002. Squeezing flow viscometry for non-elastic semi liquid foods - Theory and Applications. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 42:241-264.
Corradini, M.G., Engel, R., Normand, M.D. and Peleg, M. 2002. Estimating the frequency of high microbial counts from records having a true or suspected trend or periodicity. J. Food Sci. 67:1278-1285.
Peleg, M. 2002. Modeling and simulation of microbial survival during treatments with a dissipating lethal chemical agent. Food Res. Intnl. 35:327-336.
Peleg, M. 2002. Interpretation of the irregularly fluctuating microbial counts in commercial dairy products. Intnl. Dairy J. 12:255-262.
Engel, R., Normand, M.D., Horowitz, J. and Peleg, M. 2001. A qualitative probabilistic model of microbial outbursts in foods. J. Sci. Food Agric. 81:1250-1262.
Corradini, M.G., Engel, R. and Peleg, M. 2001. Sensory thresholds of consistency of semi liquid foods: Evaluation by squeezing flow viscometry. J. Texture Studies 32:143-154.
Engel, R., Normand, M.D., Horowitz, J. and Peleg, M. 2001. A model of microbial contamination of a water reservoir. Bull. Math. Biol. 63:1025-1040.
Corradini, M.G., Horowitz, J., Normand, M.D. and Peleg, M. 2001. Analysis of the fluctuating pattern of E. coli counts in the rinse water of an industrial poultry plant. Food Res. Intnl. 34:565-572.
Campanella, O.H. and Peleg, M. 2001. Theoretical comparison of a new and the traditional method to calculate C. botulinum survival during thermal inactivation. J. Sci. Food Agric. 81:1069-1076.
Mattick, K.L., Legan, J.D., Humphrey, T.J. and Peleg, M. 2001. Calculating Salmonella inactivation in non-isothermal heat treatments from non-linear isothermal survival curves. J. Food Protec. 64:606-613.
Peleg, M., Penchina, C.M. and Cole, M.B. 2001. Estimation of the survival curve of Listeria monocytogenes during non-isothermal heat treatments. Food Res. Intnl. 34:383-388.
Corradini, M.G., Normand, M.D., Nussinovitch, A., Horowitz, J. and Peleg, M. 2001. Estimating the frequency of high microbial counts in commercial food products using various distribution functions. J. Food Protec. 64(5):674-681.
Nussinovitch, A., Corradini, M.G., Normand, M.D. and Peleg, M. 2001. Effect of starch, sucrose and their combinations on the mechanical and acoustic properties of freeze-dried alginate gels. Food Res. Intl. 34:871-874.
Hoffner, B., Campanella, O.H., Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2001. Squeezing flow of a highly viscous incompressible liquid pressed between slightly inclined lubricated plates. Rheologica Acta 40:289-295.
Corradini, M.G., Stern, V., Suowonsichon, T. and Peleg, M. 2000. Squeezing flow of semi liquid foods between parallel Teflon coated plates. Rheologica Acta 39:452-460.
Corradini, M.G., Engel, R. and Peleg, M. 2000. Assessment of the consistency loss in semi liquid foods by compression and shear. J. Texture Studies 31:363-378.
Peleg, M., Nussinovitch, A. and Horowitz, J. 2000. Interpretation and extraction useful information from irregular fluctuating industrial microbial counts. J. Food Science 65: 740-747.
Peleg, M. 2000. Modeling and simulating microbial survival in foods subjected to a combination of preservation methods. In: Innovations in Food Processing. Barbosa-Canovas, G. V. and Gould, G.W. (eds.) Technomic. Lancaster, PA. pp.163-181.
Nussinovitch, A., Curasso, Y. and Peleg, M. 2000. Analysis of the fluctuating microbial counts in commercial raw milk - A case study. J. Food Protec. 63:1240-1247.
Nussinovitch, A., Corradini, M.G., Normand, M.D. and Peleg, M. 2000. Effect of sucrose on the mechanical and acoustic properties of freeze dried agar, kappa-carrageenan and gellan gels. J. Texture Studies 31:205-223.
Peleg, M. 2000. Microbial survival curves - The reality of flat shoulders and absolute thermal death times . Food Res. Intnl. 33:531-538.
Corradini, M.G. and Peleg, M. 2000. Lubricated squeezing flow viscometry for dulce de leche ("milk sweet"). Food Sci. Technol. Intnl. 6:339-344.
Peleg, M. and Penchina, C.M. 2000. Modeling microbial survival during exposure to a lethal agent with varying intensity. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. 40:159-172.
Nussinovitch, A. and Peleg, M. 2000. Analysis of the fluctuating patterns of microbial counts in frozen industrial food products. Food Res. Intnl. 33:53-62.
Peleg, M. and Cole, M.B. 2000. Estimation of the survival of Clostridium botulinum spores during heat treatments. J. Food Protec. 63:190-195.
Peleg, M. and Horowitz, J. 2000. On estimating the probability of aperiodic outbursts of microbial populations from their fluctuating counts. Bull. Math. Biol. 62:17-35.
Horowitz, J., Normand, M.D. and Peleg, M. 1999. On modeling the irregular fluctuations in microbial counts. CRC Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nut. 39(6):503-517.
Peleg, M. 1999. On calculating sterility in thermal and non-thermal preservation methods. Food Res. Intnl. 32:271-278.
Suwonsichon, T. and Peleg, M. 1999. Imperfect squeezing flow viscosimetry for commercial refried beans. Food Sci. Technol. Intnl. 5:159-166.
Suwonsichon, T. and Peleg, M. 1999. Rheological characterization of almost intact and stirred yogurt by imperfect squeezing flow viscosimetry. J. Sci. Food Agric. 79:1-11.
Peleg, M. 1999. Phase transitions and the mechanical properties of food biopolymers. In: Biopolymer Science: Food and nonfood applications. Colonna, P. and Guilbert, S. (eds.) INRA Editions. Montpellier, France. pp.271-282.
Peleg, M. 1999. Extracting useful information from irregular and irreproducible mechanical and other signatures. In: New techniques in the analysis of foods. M. H. Tunick, S. A. Palumo and P. M. Fratamico (eds.) Plenum Press, New York.
Suwonsichon, T. and Peleg, M. 1998. Imperfect squeezing flow viscosimetry of mustard with suspended particulates. J. Food Engng. 39:217-226.
Komali, A.S., Peleg, M., Gerhards, C. and Shetty, K. 1998. A study of the cell wall mechanical properties in unhyperhydrated shoots of oregano (Origanum vulgare) inoculated with Pseudomonas sp. by load deformation analysis. Food Biotechnology 12:209-220.
Hoffner, B., Gerhards, C. and Peleg, M. 1998. A method to assess the ability of rough surfaces to eliminate slip in food viscosimetry. J. Texture Studies 29:527-536.
Peleg, M. and Cole, M.B. 1998. Reinterpretation of microbial survival curves. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. 38:353-380.
Normand, M.D. and Peleg, M. 1998. Kauffman's abstract model of phase transitions. J. Texture Studies 29:375-386.
Suwonsichon, T. and Peleg, M. 1998. Instrumental and sensory detection of simultaneous brittleness loss and moisture toughening in three puffed cereal products. J. Texture Studies 29:255-274.
Peleg, M. 1998. Mechanical properties of dry brittle cereal products. In: The properties of water in foods (ISOPOW 6). D. Reid, ed. Blackie A & P (Chapman and Hall), London. pp.231-252.
Gerhards, C., Ulbricht, D. and Peleg, M. 1998. Mechanical characterization of individual instant coffee agglomerates. J. Food Sci. 63:140-142.
Hoffner, B., Gerhards, C. and Peleg, M. 1997 Imperfect lubricated squeezing flow viscosimetry for foods. Rheol. Acta 36:686-693.
Borges, A. and Peleg, M. 1997. Effect of water activity on the mechanical properties of selected legumes and nuts. J. Sci. Food Agric. 75:463-471.
Campanella, O.H. and Peleg, M. 1997. On the Tan-delta - frequency relationship of foods and agricultural commodities. J. Texture Studies 28:585-592.
Suwonsichon, T., Normand, M.D. and Peleg, M. 1997. Estimation of the mechanical properties of individual brittle particles from their bulk's compressibility. J. Texture Studies 28:673-686.
DeRosier, B.L, Normand, M.D. and Peleg, M. 1997. Effect of lag on the symmetrized dot pattern (SDP) displays of the mechanical signatures of crunchy cereal foods. J. Sci. Food Agric. 75:463-471.
Lorenzo, M.A., Gerhards, C. and Peleg, M. 1997. Imperfect squeezing flow viscosimetry of selected tomato products. J. Texture. Studies 28:543-567.
Peleg, M. 1997. Line jaggedness measures and their applications in textural evaluation of foods. CRC Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nut. 37: 491-518.
Peleg, M. 1997. Bimodal particle size distributions in the attrition of food particulates and agglomerats. In: The Proceedings of the Second Israel Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particlate Solids. Ed. H. Kalman pp. 8.35-8.42.
Damrau, E. and Peleg, M. 1997. Imperfect squeezing flow viscosimetry of newtonian liquids - Theoretical and practical considerations. J. Texture. Studies 28:187-204.
Peleg, M., Normand, M.D. and Damrau, E. 1997. Mathematical interpretation of dose-response curves. Bull. Math. Biol. 59:747-761.
Shan, Y., Normand, M.D. and Peleg, M. 1997. Estimation of the surface concentraton of adhered particles by color imaging. Powder Technol. 92:147-153.
Peleg, M. 1997. Mechanical properties of dry cellular solid foods. Food Sci. Technol. Intrnl. 3:227-240.
Peleg, M. 1997. Modeling microbial populations with the original and modified versions of the continuous and discrete logistic equations. CRC Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nut. 37:471-490.
Damrau, E., Normand, M.D. and Peleg, M. 1997. Effect of resolution on the apparent fractal dimension of jagged force-displacement relationships and other irregular signatures. J. Food. Engng. 31:171- 184.
Peleg, M., Normand, M.D. and Tesch, R. 1996. Simulation of fluctuating populations of micro and macroorganisms with models having a normal random variate term. J. Sci. Food Agric. 73:17-20.
Peleg, M. 1996. Evaluation of the Fermi equation as a model of dose-response curves. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 46:303- 306.
Peleg, M. 1996. Mathematical characterization of the plasticizing and antiplasticizing effects of fructose on amylopectin. Cereal Chemistry 73:712-715.
Curtis, O.F., Shetty, K., Cassagnol, G. and Peleg, M. 1996. Comparison of the inhibitory and lethal effects of synthetic versions of plants metabolites (anethole, carvacol, eugenol and thymol) on a food spoilage yeast (D. Hansenii). Food Biotechnol. 10:55-62.
Peleg, M. 1996. A model of microbial growth and decay in a closed habitat based on combined Fermi's and the logistic equations. J. Sci. Food Agric. 71:225-230.
Borges, A. and Peleg, M. 1996. Determination of the apparent fractal dimension of the force-displacement curves of brittle snacks by four different algorithms. J. Texture Studies 27:243- 255.
Peleg, M. 1996. Determination of the parameters of the Rosin- Rammler and beta distributions from their mode and variance using equation solving software. Powder Technol. 87:181-184.
Harris, M. and Peleg, M. 1996. Patterns of textural changes in brittle cellular cereal foods caused by moisture sorption. Cereal Chem. 73:225-231.
Tesch, R., Normand, M.D. and Peleg, M. 1996. Comparison of the acoustic and mechanical signatures of two cellular crunchy cereal foods at various water activity levels. J. Sci. Food Agric. 70:347-354.
Peleg, M. 1996. On modeling changes in food and biosolids at and around their glass transition temperature range. CRC Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nut. 36:49-67.
Barrett, A,H. and Peleg, M. 1995. Applications of fractal analysis to food structure. Food Sci. Technol. (lwt). 28:553-563.
Tesch, R., Normand, M.D. and Peleg, M. 1995. On the fractal dimension of sound bursts in acoustic signatures of two crunchy foods. J. Texture. Studies 26:685-694.
Peleg, M. 1995. A note on the Tan delta(T) peak as a glass transition indicator in biosolids. Rheologica Acta 34:215-220.
Peleg, M. and Normand, M.D. 1995. Stiffness assessment from jagged force-deformation relationships. J. Texture Studies 26:353- 370.
Peleg, M. 1995. A model of temperature effects on microbial populations from growth to lethality. J. Sci. Food Agric. 68:83- 89.
Ulbricht, D., Normand, M.D. and Peleg, M. 1995. Creating typical jagged force-deformation relationships from the irregular and irreproducible compression data of crunchy foods. J. Sci. Food Agric. 67:453-459.
Peleg. M. 1995. Description of mechanical changes in foods at their glass transition region. In: Food preservation by moisture control. Eds. Welti-Chanes, J. and Barbosa-Canovas, G. Technomatic Publishing Co. Lancaster Pa. pp.659-714.
Nixon, R. and Peleg, M. 1995. Effect of sample volume on the compressive force-deformation curves of corn flakes tested in bulk. J. Texture Studies. 26:59-69.
Peleg, M. 1995. A model of microbial survival after exposure to pulsed electric fields. J. Sci. Food Agric. 67:93-99.
Nixon, R., Ulbricht, D., Nuebel, C., Wollny, N., Normand, M.D. and Peleg, M. 1994. Mechanical characteristics of brittle crumbly particulates tested individually and in bulk. Particle Technology Forum. Vol.3. American Institute of Chemical Engineers. New York. pp.50-57.
Ulbricht, D., Normand, M.D, Peleg, M. and Horowitz, J. 1994. Assessment of the crumbliness of individual fragile particulates from that of their assemblies. Powder Technology 81:83-91.
Peleg, M. 1994. A mathematical model of crunchiness/crispness loss in breakfast cereals. J. Texture Stud. 25:403-410.
Peleg, M. 1994. Mathematical characterization and graphical presentation of the stiffness-temperature-moisture relationship of gliadin. Biotechnol. Progress. 10:652-654.
Chen, P.,Whitney, L.F. and Peleg, M. 1994. Some tensile characteristics of bread crumb. J. Texture Stud. 25:299- 310.
Nuebel, C. and Peleg, M. 1994. Compressive stress-strain relationships of agglomerated instant coffee. J.Food Proc.Engng. 17:383-400.
Wollny, M. and Peleg, M. 1994. A model of moisture induced plasticization of crunchy snacks based on Fermi's distribution function. J. Sci. Agr. Food. 64:467-473.
Peleg, M. 1994. A model of mechanical changes in biomaterials at and around their glass transition. Biotechnol. Prog. 10:385- 388.
Peleg, M. 1994. Darwinian evolutionary patterns in food products and beverages. CRC Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nut. 34:95-108.
Peleg, M. 1993. Mapping the stiffness-temperature-moisture relationship of solid biomaterials at and around their glass transition. Rheol. Acta 32:575-580.
Barbosa-Canovas, G. V., Ibraz, A. and Peleg, M. 1993. Rheological properties of liquid foods - A review. Alimentaria 30:39- 59.
Peleg, M. and Normand, M. D. 1993. Determination of the fractal dimension of the irregular compressive stress-strain relationships of brittle crumbly particulates. Part. Part. Syst. Characht. 10: 301-307.
Nuebel, C. and Peleg, M. 1993. Compressive stress-strain relationships of two puffed cereals in bulk. J. Food Sci. 58:1356-1360 & 1374.
Peleg, M. 1993. Do irregular stress-strain relationships of crunchy foods have regular periodicities? J. Texture Stud. 24: 215-227.
Rohde, F., Normand, M. D. and Peleg, M. 1993. Effect of equilibrium relative humidity on the mechanical signatures of brittle food materials. Biotechnol Progr. 9:497-503.
Peleg, M. 1993. Calculation of the compressive stress-strain relationships of layered arrays of cellular solids using equation solving computer software. J. Cellular Plastics, 29:285- 293.
Rohde, F., Normand, M. D. and Peleg, M. 1993. Characterization of the power spectrum of force-deformation relationships of crunchy foods. J. Texture Stud. 24:45-92.
Peleg, M. 1993. Fractals and Foods. CRC Crit. Rev. Food Sci. & Nutr. 32:149-165.
Nussinovitch, A., Velez-Silvestre, R. and Peleg, M. 1993. Compressive characteristics of freeze dried agar and alginate gel sponges. Biotechnol. Prog. 9:101-104.
Peleg, M. 1993. A test for beta distributions. Powder Technol. 74:89-92.
Peleg, M. 1993. Assessment of a semi-empirical four parameter general model for sigmoid moisture sorption isotherms. J. Food Proc. Engng. 16:21-37.
Peleg, M. 1993. Glass transition and the physical stability of food powders. In: The Glassy State in Foods. Eds. J. M. V. Blanshard and P. J. Lilliford, pp 435-451.
Peleg, M. 1993. Tailoring texture for the elderly; Theoretical aspects and technological options. CRC Crit. Rev. Fd. Sci & Nut. 33:45-55.
Barrett, A., Normand, M. D., Peleg, M. and Ross, E. 1992. Fourier and fractal analysis for the textural characterization of porous foods. In: Herz, M. L. and Sklarsky, T. A. Eds. Proceedings of the 4th Natick Science Symposium. U.S. Army Natick Research, Development and Engineering Center, Natick, MA pp. 329-343.
Peleg, M. and Normand, M. D. 1992. Symmetrized dot-patterns (SDP) of irregular compressive stress-strain relationships. J. Texture Stud. 24:427-438.
Barrett, A. and Peleg, M. 1992. Relationship between extrudate cell structure and texture. J. Food Sci. 57:1253-1257.
Lee, S-J. and Peleg, M. 1992. On imperfect squeezing flow viscosimetry with a wide plate and a shallow container. J. Texture Stud. 23:267-278.
Nussinovitch, A., Velez-Silvestre, R. and Peleg, M. 1992. Mechanical properties of hydrocolloid gels filled with internally produced CO2 gas bubbles. Biotechnol. Progress 8:424-428.
Peleg, M. and Normand, M. D. 1992. Estimation of the water activity of multicomponent dry mixtures. Trends Food Sci. & Technol. 3:157-160.
Peleg, M. 1992. On the use of the WLF model in polymers and foods. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. & Nutr. 32:59-66.
Kaletunc, G., Normand, M.D., Johnson, E. A. and Peleg, M. 1992. Instrumental determination of elasticity of marshmallow. J. Texture Stud. 23:47-56.
Popplewell, L. M. and Peleg, M. 1992. Theoretical kinetic model for particulates disintegration processes that result in bimodal size distributions. Powder Technology 70:21-30.
Nussinovitch, A., Steffens, M., Chinachoti, P. and Peleg, M. 1992. Effect of strain level and storage time on the recoverable work of compressed bread crumb. J. Texture Stud. 23:13-24.
Swyngedau, S. and Peleg, M. 1992. Characterization and prediction of the stress-strain relationship of layered arrays of spongy baked goods. Cereal Chem. 69:217-221.
Swyngedau, S. and Peleg, M. 1992. A model for the compressibility of food-finger(s) arrays. J. Rheol. 36:45-56.
Barrett, A. M., Normand, M. D., Peleg, M. and Ross, E. 1992. Characterization of the jagged stress-strain relationships of puffed extrudates using the Fast Fourier Transform and Fractal Analysis. J. Food Sci. 57:227-232 & 235.
Barrett, A. M. and Peleg, M. 1992. Cell size distributions of puffed corn extrudates. J. Food Science 57:146-148 & 154.
Peleg, M. 1992. Food Powders Conditioning. In: McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, p. 163.
Peleg, M. 1992. Disintegration and segregation kinetics of dry food particulates. In: H. G. Schwartzberg and R. W. Hartel (eds.) Physical Chemistry of Foods. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp 541- 571.
Walstra, P. and Peleg, M. 1991. General considerations [in cheese rheological evaluation]. In: Rheological and Fracture Properties of Cheese. Bulletin No. 269 International Dairy Federation, Brusseles, Belgium, pp. 3-4.
vanVliet, T. and Peleg, M. 1991. Effects of sample size and preparation. Ibid, pp. 26-29.
Ruegg, M., Eberhard, P., Popplewell, L. M. and Peleg, M. 1991. Melting properties of cheese. Ibid, pp. 36-43.
Kuo, J.-D., Hultin, H. O., Peleg, M., Atallah, M.T. and Sun Pan, B. 1991. "Role of collagen and contractile elements in ultimate tensile strength of squid mantle." J. of Agric. and Food Chemistry 39:1149-1154.
Nussinovitch, A., Cohen, G. and Peleg, M. 1991. Comparison of the compressive characteristics of puffed popcorn and polystyrene foam particles. J. Cellular Plastics 27:527-539.
Peleg, M., Normand, M. D. and Nussinovitch, A. 1991. On theoretical mixed particle populations with a unimodal size distribution. Powder Technol. 68:281-284.
Barrett, A. M., Normand, M. D. and Peleg, M. 1991. A 'log-beta' vs the log-normal distribution for particle populations with a wide finite size range. Powder Technol. 66:195-199.
Swyngedau, S., Normand, M. D. and Peleg, M. 1991. Comparison of two types of models for concave force-deformation curves presentation. J. Texture Stud. 22:25-275.
Kuo, J-D., Hultin, H. O., Peleg, M. and Atallah, M. T. 1991. Effect of heating and post-mortem aging on physical properties of squid mantle. J. Food Proc. & Preserv. 15:125-133.
Kaletunc, G., Normand, M. D., Johnson, E. A. and Peleg, M. 1991. Degree of elasticity determination in solid foods. J. Food Science 56:950-953.
Popplewell, L. M. and Peleg, M. 1991. On the segregation of compressible binary powder mixtures subjected to tapping. Powder Technol. 67:21-26.
Nussinovitch, A., Lee, S. J., Kaletunc, G. and Peleg, M. 1991. Model for calculating the compressive deformability of double- layered curdlan gels. Biotechnol. Progress 7:272-274.
Kaletunc, G., Normand, M. D., Nussinovitch, A. and Peleg, M. 1991. Determination of elasticity of gels by successive compression- decompression cycles. Food Hydrocolloids 5:237-247.
Swyngedau, S., Nussinovitch, A., Roy, I., Peleg, M. and Huang, V. 1991. Comparison of four models for the compressibility of breads and plastic foams. J. Food Sci. 56:756-759.
Swyngedau, S., Nussinovitch, A. and Peleg, M. 1991. Models for the compressibility of layered polymeric sponges. Polymer Engng. Sci. 31:140-144.
Nussinovitch, A., Kaletunc, G., Normand, M. D. and Peleg, M. 1990. Recoverable work vs asymptotic relaxation modulus in agar, carrageenan and gellan gels. J. Texture Stud. 21:427- 438.
Kaletunc, G., Nussinovitch, A. and Peleg, M. 1990. Alginate texturization of highly acid fruit pulps and juices. J. Food Sci. 55:1759-1761.
Lee, S. J. and Peleg, M. 1990. Lubricated and non-lubricated squeezing flow of a double layered array of two power law liquids. Rheol Acta 29:360-365.
Molina, M., Nussinovitch, A., Normand, M. D., and Peleg, M. 1990. Selected physical characteristics of ground roasted coffee. J. Food Proc. & Preserv. 14:325-333.
Nussinovitch, A. and Peleg, M. 1990. An empirical model for describing weight changes in swelling and shrinking gels. Food Hydrocol. 4:69-76.
Nussinovitch, A., Roy, I. and Peleg, M. 1990. Testing bread slices in tension. Cereal Chem. 61:101-103.
Nussinovitch, A. and Peleg, M. 1990. Mechanical properties of a raspberry product texturized with alginate. J. Food Proc. & Preserv. 14:267-278.
Nussinovitch, A. and Peleg, M. 1990. Strength-time relationships of agar and alginate gels. J. Texture Stud. 21:51-60.
Nussinovitch, A., Ak, M. M., Normand, M. D., and Peleg, M. 1990. Characterization of gellan gels by uniaxial compression, stress relaxation and creep. J. Texture Stud. 21:37-49.
Schuchmann, H., Roy, I., and Peleg, M. 1990. Empirical models for moisture sorption isotherms at very high water activities. J. Food Sci. 55:759-762.
Kuo, J-D., Peleg, M. and Hultin, H. O. 1990. Tensile characteristics of squid mantle. J. Food Sci. 55:369-371 & 433.
Peleg, M., Popplewell, L. M., Campanella, O. H. and Normand, M. D. 1990. Uni and bimodal size distributions of food powders. In: Engineering and Food. W. Spiess and H. Schubert (eds.) Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp. 325-330.
Hennigar, C. J., Buck, E. M., Hultin, H. O., Peleg, M. and Vareltzis, K. 1989. Mechanical properties of fish and beef gels prepared with and without washing and sodium chloride. J. Food Quality 12:155-166.
Lee, S. J., Campanella, O. H. and Peleg, M. 1989. Squeezing flow of a double layer array of newtonian liquids. Chem. Eng. Sci. 44:2979-2986.
Roy, I., Campanella, O. H., Normand, M. D. and Peleg, M. 1989. Uniaxial compression of double layers of solid foods. J. Texture Stud. 20:443-455.
Nussinovitch, A., Peleg, M. and Normand, M. D. 1989. A modified Maxwell and a non-exponential model for characterization of the stress relaxation of agar and alginate gels. J. Food Sci. 54: 1013-1016.
Peleg, M., Roy, I., Campanella, O. H. and Normand, M. D. 1989. Mathematical characterization of the compressive stress-strain relationships of spongy baked goods. J. Food Sci. 54:947- 949.
Ak, M. M., Nussinovitch, A., Campanella, O. H. and Peleg, M. 1989. Crosslinking rates of thermally preset alginate gels. Biotechnol. Prog. 5:75-77.
Popplewell, L. M. and Peleg, M. 1989. Calculating the beta function from three common particle size distributions. AIChE J. 35:347-349.
Popplewell, L. M., Campanella, O. H., Sapru, V. and Peleg, M. 1989. Theoretical comparison of two segregation indices for binary powder mixture. Powder Technol. 58:55-61.
Popplewell, L. M. and Peleg, M. 1989. An "Erosion Index" to characterize fines production in size reduction processes. Powder Technol. 58:145-148.
Roy, I. and Peleg, M. 1989. An empirical model for the force- deformation relationships of cylindrical food specimens in quasi- static radial loading. J. Texture Stud. 19:453-463.
Peleg, M. and Campanella, O. H. 1989. The mechanical sensitivity of soft compressible testing machines. J. Rheol. 33:455- 467.
Popplewell, L. M., Campanella, O. H. and Peleg, M. 1989. Simulation of bimodal size distributions in aggregation and disintegration processes. Chemical Engineering Progress 85:56- 62.
Hennigar, C. J., Buck, E. M., Hultin, H. O., Peleg, M. and Vareltzis, K. 1988. Effect of washing and sodium chloride on mechanical properties of fish muscle gels. J. Food Sci. 53:963- 964.
Peleg, M. 1988. An empirical model for the description of moisture sorption curves. J. Food Sci. 53:1249-1251.
Rebouillat, S. and Peleg, M. 1988. Selected physical and mechanical properties of commercial apple cultivars. J. Texture Stud. 19:217-230.
Lee, S. J. and Peleg, M. 1988. Direct measurement of the attractive force between individual cooked rice grains of sticky and flaky cultivars. J. Food Science 53:1113-1115.
Peleg, M. and Campanella, O. H. 1988. On the mathematical form of psychophysical relationships with special focus on the perception of mechanical properties of solid objects. Perception and Psychophysics 44:451-455.
Popplewell, L. M., Campanella, O. H. and Peleg, M. 1988. Quantitative characterization of the particle size distributions of instant coffee during mechanical attrition. J. Food Sci. 53: 877-881.
Normand, M. D. and Peleg, M. 1988. Evaluation of the "blanket" algorithm for ruggedness assessment. Powder Technology 54:255- 259.
Sapru, V. and Peleg, M. 1988. Hierarchy in food colorant absorption on selected crystalline powders. J. Food Science 53: 555-557.
Campanella, O. H. and Peleg, M. 1988. On food compression by soft machines. J. Texture Stud. 19:39-50.
Popplewell, L. M., Campanella, O. H., Normand, M. D. and Peleg, M. 1988. Description of normal, log-normal and Rosin-Rammler particle populations by a modified version of the beta distribution function. Powder Technol. 54:119-125.
Popplewell, L. M., Campanella, O. H. and Peleg, M. 1988. Comparison between a modified beta and a modified normal distribution function for the description of populations with a finite size range. Powder Technol. 54:157-160.
Barbosa-Canovas, G. V., Malave-Lopez, J. and Peleg, M. 1987. Density and compressibility of selected food powders mixtures. J. Food Proc. Engng. 10:1-19.
Campanella, O. H. and Peleg, M. 1987. Lubricated squeezing flow of a newtonian liquid between elastic and rigid plates. Rheol. Acta. 26:396-400.
Campanella, O. H. and Peleg, M. 1987. Analysis of the transient flow of mayonnaise in a coaxial viscosimeter. J. Rheol. 31:511- 5l3.
Campanella, O. H. and Peleg, M. 1987. On the relationship between the dynamic viscosity and the relaxation modulus of viscoelastic liquids. J. Rheol. 31:439-452.
Peleg, M. 1987. Particle size distributions of food powders. The Manufacturing Confectioner 67:95-98.
Rebouillat, S., Campanella, O. H. and Peleg, M. 1987. Mechanical characterization of raw and processed peat. Powder Technol. 51: 273-275.
Campanella, O. H., Popplewell, L. M., Rosenau, J. R. and Peleg, M. 1987. Elongational viscosity measurements of melting American processed cheese. J. Food Sci. 52:1249-1251.
Peleg, M. and Normand, M. D. 1987. Computer simulation of the attrition patterns of particulated and agglomerated foods. J. Food Sci. 52:943-947.
Peleg, M. 1987. On some fundamental issues in solid food texture evaluation by rheological analyses. ZFL:154-164 (in German).
Campanella, O. H. and Peleg, M. 1987. Squeezing flow viscosimetry of peanut butter. J. Food Sci. 52:180-184.
Campanella, O. H. and Peleg, M. 1987. Determination of the yield stress of semi-liquid foods from squeezing flow data. J. Food Sci. 52:214-215 and 217.
Malave-Lopez, J., Barbosa-Canovas, G. V., Peleg, M. and Zemelman, V. B. 1987. Kinetic models for the attrition of instant coffee. In Particulate and Multiphase Processes. T. Ariman and T. N. Veziruglu (Eds.), Hemisphere Publ., New York, pp. 429-436.
Peleg, M. 1987. The basics of solid foods rheology. In: Moskowitz, H. (Ed.) Food Texture. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 3-33.
Kaletunc-Gencer, G., Barbosa-Canovas, G. V., Normand, M. D., Rosenau, J. R. and Peleg, M. 1986. Determination of the flow parameters of liquid foods using a digitizer and a personal computer. In: Food Engineering and Process Applications, Vol. 1. LeMaguer, M. and Jelen, P. (Eds.), Elsevier Applied Science, pp. l5-2l.
Purkayastha, S. and Peleg, M. 1986. Comparison between projected mechanical equilibrium conditions of selected food materials in stress relaxation and creep. J. Texture Studies 17:434- 444.
Peleg, M. and Normand, M. D. 1986. Simulation of size reduction and enlargement processes by a modified version of the Beta distribution function. AIChE J. 32:1928-1930.
Malave-Lopez, J. and Peleg, M. 1986. Mechanical attrition rate measurements in agglomerated instant coffee. J. Food Sci. 51: 687-690 & 697.
Malave-Lopez, J. and Peleg, M. 1986. Patterns of size distribution changes during the attrition of instant coffee. J. Food Sci. 51:691-694 & 702.
Kaletunc-Gencer, G. and Peleg, M. 1986. Rheological characteristics of selected food gum mixtures in solution. J. Texture Stud. 17:61-70.
Peleg, M., Normand, M. D. and Rosenau, J. R. 1986. A distribution function for particle populations having finite size range and a mode that is independent of the spread. Powder Technol. 46:209- 214.
Normand, M. D. and Peleg, M. 1986. Determination of the Fractal dimension of a particle silhouette using image processing techniques. Powder Technol. 45:271-275.
Miller, B.D.F., Peleg, M., Normand, M. D., Gonter, R. H. and Kline, E. 1986. A computer aided method for the rheological characterization and classification of solid food materials. J. Food Sci. 51:123-127 & 134.
Chu, E. F. and Peleg, M. 1985. The compressive behavior of solid food specimens with small length to diameter ratio. J. Texture Stud. 16:451-464.
Barbosa-Canovas, G. V. and Peleg, M. 1985. Migration of absorbed food colorants between powder components. J. Food Sci. 50:1517-1518.
Peleg, M. (l985). Comparison between various correction factors in the calculation of creep compliance. J. Texture Studies, l6, ll9-l27.
Barbosa-Canovas, G. V. and Peleg, M. 1985. Detachment of dusts by exploiting the selective affinity of fine powders to particulates of different species. Powder Technol. 43:185- 186.
Peleg, M. and Normand, M. D. 1985. Mechanical stability as the limit of the Fractal dimension of solid particle silhouette. Powder Technol. 43:187-188.
Peleg, M. 1985. Caking and caking inhibition in food powders. In: Agglomeration 85. C. E. Capes (Ed.) Iron and Steel Society, Inc., pp. 535-539.
Barbosa-Canovas, G. V., Malave, J. and Peleg, M. 1985. Segregation in food powders. Biotechnol. Progress 1:140- 146.
Malave, J., Barbosa-Canovas, G. V. and Peleg, M. 1985. Comparison of the compaction characteristics of selected food powders by vibration, tapping, and mechanical compression. J. Food Sci. 50:1473-1476.
Peleg, M. and Normand, M. D. 1985. Characterization of the ruggedness of instant coffee particles shape by natural Fractals. J. Food Sci. 50:829-831.
Barbosa-Canovas, G. V., Rufner, R. and Peleg, M. 1985. Microstructure of selected binary food powder mixtures. J. Food Sci. 50:473-477, 48l.
Peleg, M. 1985. A note on the various strain measures at large compressive formations. J. Texture Stud. 15:317-326.
Purkayastha, S., Peleg, M., Johnson, E. A. and Normand, M. D. 1985. A computer aided characterization of the compressive creep behavior of potato and cheddar cheese. J. Food Sci. 50: 45-50, 55.
Malave, J. and Peleg, M. 1985. Linearization of the electrostatic charging and charge decay curves of powders. Powder Technol. 42:217-223.
Kaletunc-Gencer, G. and Peleg, M. 1984. Digitizer aided determination of yield stress in semi-liquid foods. J. Food Sci. 49:1620-1621.
Peleg, M. 1984. Application of nonlinear phenomenological rheological models to solid food materials. J. Texture Studies 15:1-22.
Purkayastha, S., Peleg, M. and Normand, M. D. 1984. Presentation of the creep curves of solid biological materials by a simplified version of the generalized Kelvin-Voigt model. Rheol. Acta. 23:556-563.
Peleg, M. 1984. The role of water in the rheology of hygroscopic food powders. In: D. Simatos and J. L. Multon (eds.): Influence of Water on Food Quality and Stability. Martinus Nijhoff. Publ. B.V. The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 393- 403.
Normand, M. D., Miller, B. D. F. and Peleg, M. 1984. Computer simulation of the rheological behavior of solid food materials. in: McKenna, B. (Ed.) Engineering and Food. Elsevier Applied Science Pub., Essex, England, pp. 519-525.
Park, J., Rosenau, J. R. and Peleg, M. 1984. Comparison of four procedures of cheese meltability evaluation. J. Food Sci. 49: 1158-1162, 1170.
Peleg, M. and Hollenbach, A. M. 1984. Flow conditioners and anticaking agents. Food Technol. 38:93-102.
Peleg, M., Normand, M. D. and Miller, B.D.F. 1983. Some biorheological aspects of sensory perception of texture. In: McLaughlin, J. V. and McKenna, B.M. (Eds.) Research in Food Science and Technology, Vol. 2. Boole Press, Dublin. pp. 136- 137.
Wu, S., Whitney, L. F. and Peleg, M. 1983. Viscosity evaluation of drum contents by torsional vibration. J. Food Sci. 40:1813- 1816, 1828.
Peleg, M. 1983. The semantics of rheology and texture. Food Technol. 37:54-61.
Peleg, M. 1983. Some theoretical rheological characteristics of the mechanical signals in sensory evaluation of texture. J. Food Sci. 48:1187-1191.
Peleg, M. 1983. Stress and strain activated fracture elements. J. Texture Studies 14:87-98.
Barbosa Canovas, G. V. and Peleg, M. 1983. Flow parameters of selected commercial semi-liquid food products. J. Texture Studies 14:213-234.
Hollenbach, A. M., Peleg, M. and Rufner, R. 1983. Interparticle surface affinity and the bulk properties of conditioned powders. Powder Technol. 35:51-62.
Lee, Y. C., Rosenau, J. R., and Peleg, M. 1983. Some rheological properties of tofu. J. Texture Studies 14:143- 154.
Peleg, M. and Normand, M. D. 1983. Comparison of two methods for stress relaxation data representation of solid foods. Rheol. Acta. 22:108-113.
Peleg, M. and Bagley, E. B. 1983. (Editors). Physical Properties of Foods. AVI Publishing Co., Westport, CT.
Peleg, M. 1983. Physical characteristics of food powders. Ibid. pp. 293-324.
Peleg, M. 1983. Application of computers in food rheology studies. In I. Saguy (ed.): Applications of computers in food industry and research. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. pp. 241- 261.
Barbosa, G. V. and Peleg, M. (1982). Flow properties of liquid and semi-liquid foods. Rev. Technol. Alim. (Mex.) 17, (2) 4- 28.
Peleg, M. and Normand, M. D. 1982. A computer assisted analysis of some theoretical rate effects in mastication and in deformation testing of foods. J. Food Sci. 47:1572-1578.
Peleg, M. and Pollak, N. 1982. The problem of equilibrium conditions in stress relaxation analyses of solid foods. J. Texture Studies 13:1-11.
Hollenbach, A. M., Peleg, M. and Rufner, R. 1982. Effect of four anticaking agents on the bulk properties of ground sugar. J. Food Sci. 47:538-544.
Dobbs, A. J., Peleg, M., Mudgett, R. E. and Rufner, R. 1982. Some physical characteristics of active dry yeast. Powder Technol. 32:63-69.
Peleg, M., Moreyra, R. and Scoville, E. 1982. Rheological characteristics of food powders. AIChE Symposium Series. No. 218, Vol. 78, 138-143.
Johnson, E. A., Peleg, M., Sawyer, F. M., Segars, R. A., and Cardello, A. 1981. Mechanical Methods of Measuring Textural Characteristics of Fish Flesh. Advances in the Refrigerated Treatment of Fish, International Institute of Refrigeration. Paris, France, pp. 93-104.
Johnson, E. A., Peleg, M., Kapsalis, J. G. and Segars, R. A. 1981. A generalized phenomenological rheological model for fish flesh. J. Texture Studies 12:413-425.
Segars, R. A., Johnson, E. A., Kapsalis, J. G. and Peleg, M. 1981. Some tensile characteristics of fresh fish flesh. J. Texture Studies 12:375-387.
Moreyra, R. and Peleg, M. 1981. Effect of equilibrium relative humidity on the bulk properties of selected food powders. J. Food Sci. 46:1918-1922.
Finkowski, J. W. and Peleg, M. 1981. Some rheological characteristics of soy extrudates in tension. J. Food Sci. 46: 207-211.
Scoville, E. and Peleg, M. 1981. Evaluation of the effects of liquid bridges on the bulk properties of model powders. J. Food Sci. 46:174-177.
Segars, R. A., Kapsalis, J., Johnson, E. A., Peleg, M. (1980). Instrumental Evaluation of Fish Texture in Consumer and Instrumental Edibility Measures for Groupings of Fish Species, U. S. Dept. of Commerce, N.T.I.S., pp. 121-166.
Moreyra, R. and Peleg, M. 1980. Physical properties of food powders. (In Spanish). Revista Agr. y Tecol. Alim. 21:322- 329.
Johnson, E. A., Segars, R. A., Kapsalis, J. G., Normand, M. D., and Peleg, M. 1980. Textural variability in fish fillets. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference of the Americas.
Smith, C. E., Rosenau, J. R. and Peleg, M. 1980. Evaluation of the flowability of mozzarella cheese by capillary rheometry. J. Food Sci. 45:1142-1145.
Johnson, E. A., Segars, R. A., Kapsalis, J. G., Normand, M. D., and Peleg, M. 1980. Evaluation of the compressive deformability modulus of fresh and cooked fish flesh. J. Food Sci. 45:1318- 1320, 1326.
Peleg, M. 1980. Theoretical analysis of the relationship between mechanical hardness and its sensory assessment. J. Food Sci. 45:1156-1160.
Peleg, M. l980. Linearization of relaxation and creep curves of solid biological materials. J. of Rheology 24:451-463.
Moreyra, R. and Peleg, M. 1980. Compressive deformation patterns of selected food powders. J. Food Sci. 45:864- 868.
Pollak, N. and Peleg, M. 1980. Early indications of failure at large compressive deformations. J. Food Sci. 45:825-830, 835.
Hsu, E. H. Y., Whitney, L. F. and Peleg, M. 1980. Monitoring the damping characteristics of liquid foods in cylindrical containers. J. Food Sci. 45:204-207.
Peleg, M. 1980. Rheological models for solid food. In P. Linko, Y. Malkki and J. Olkku, Eds. Food Process Engineering, Vol. 1, Applied Science Publishers Ltd., London, pp. 250- 256.
Peleg, M. 1980. A note on the sensitivity of fingers, tongue and jaws as mechanical testing instruments. J. Texture Stud. 10: 245-251.
Peleg, M. 1979. A model for creep and early failure. Mater. Sci. Eng. 40:197-205.
* Peleg, M. and Moreyra, R. 1979.