Undergraduate Research Program in Film Studies
Undergraduate Research Program in Film Studies
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The goal of our Undergraduate Research Program in Film Studies is to offer an opportunity for Film students to collaborate directly in the research project of faculty and gain first-hand knowledge of the procedures through which academic research is conducted.
A research assistantship offers students numerous advantages in their post-collegiate endeavors. Top-notch research training makes attractive job candidates who are capable of understanding how to tackle a problem; select and use the appropriate qualitative or quantitative methods to carry out assessments, work collaboratively towards a common goal, and write in a way in which findings are clearly conveyed to the public. Research Assistants that participate in a research project are privy to the deliverables of the project, and go to the job market with a clear competitive advantage.
The projects in which our students participate through the Undergraduate Research Program in Film Studies reflect our faculty's fields of expertise. Student researchers are encouraged to present the research conducted through the Undergraduate Research Program in Film Studies at academic conferences, such as the Massachusetts Statewide Undergraduate Research Conference. Undergraduate Researchers receive opportunities to collaborate in numerous research projects, while the skills and methodology learned in the program may become the basis of their capstone or thesis projects. Undergraduate Research Program in Film Studies is a most valuable curricular experience for students aiming to apply to graduate programs.
All Film STudies Certificate students interested in the research project of a faculty member can apply to this program. Faculty will assess the background and general qualifications of the interested student to decide on their admission. Participating undegraduates will be trained to work collaboratively with both faculty and graduate students.
Unless otherwise stated, students will receive academic credit . Students should apply for the projects listed below. Once selected to work on a project, they sould enroll in FILM -ST 398R - Research Practicum. Students may take up to 18 practicum credits while at UMass. Those credits may count towards the total needed for graduation, but they do not count toward the Certificate requirements. In general, 1 credit hour is equivalent to about 40 hours of work during the semester and students may enroll for up to 3 credits per semester. The practicum is graded as pass/fail. Interested students should contact the appropriate faculty member. Please print and fill out the contract
In addition to the projects listed below, interested students are always welcome to learn of our faculty's ongoing research projects and inquire into the possibility of collaborating with them.
Slow Cinema
Description: As part of a faculty project, research the recent international development of Slow or Contemplative Cinema. Compile resources relating to pertinent filmmakers, national and cultural subgenres of the movement, and theoretical and critical treatments of the movement. Screen and review a range films. Create a category of defining formal features of this rising cinema.
RAships Avaliable: one.
Hours per week: 9 hours / week.
Credits received: 3 credits in FILM-ST 398R (pass/fail).
Application Materials: 1) letter of interest, 2) transcript, and 3) current résumé.
Contact: Professor Barry Spence, bspence@umass.edu.
Deadline: ongoing.
Horror Cinema
As part of an ongoing faculty project on horror cinema, research the
burgeoning spread of horror cinema in various generic forms
internationally. Research the representation of ageing within the genre,
particularly as relates to female characters. Research theoretical
treatments of the genre.
RAships Avaliable: one.
Hours per week: 9 hours / week.
Credits received: 3 credits in FILM-ST 398R (pass/fail).
Application Materials: 1) letter of interest, 2) transcript, and 3) current résumé.
Contact: Professor Barry Spence, bspence@umass.edu.
Deadline: ongoing.
The Gynocine Project
Description: Professor Barbara Zecchi is looking for two Research Assistants to work in the Gynocine Project, an open-access database on the history of women's cinema (http://www.gynocine.com). RAs should love cinema, be interested in gender studies, and have some skills in web design (however, Gynocine is built on wix, so there is no need to know code). The ideal candidate should be creative, meticulous, and organized. RAs will create and update material related to the project's aims and scope. Ability to translate from Spanish into English is considered a plus.
RAships Avaliable: two.
Hours per week: 9 hours / week.
Credits received: 3 credits in FILM-ST 398R (pass/fail).
Application Materials: 1) letter of interest, 2) transcript, and 3) current résumé.
Contact: Professor Barbara Zecchi, bzecchi@umass.edu.
Deadline: Ongoing.