Berkshire Jewish Film Festival
Monday, December 31, 2018
Monday, December 31, 2018
Subject: Call for Entries – Berkshire Jewish Film Festival, Reminder-Deadline Approaching
The Berkshire Jewish Film Festival has been a go-to cultural event in the Berkshires for 32 years. For the first time, we are welcoming college students to submit their short films to our film festival for consideration. JFF is looking for films and filmmakers with diverse stories and unique points of view with a Jewish theme. This is an opportunity to participate in a veteran film festival which will give recognition and exposure to burgeoning filmmakers.
If you've missed this year's deadline of December 31st, please keep us in mind for next year.
Best regards,
Judy Seaman
Artistic Director, BJFF
Beth Kruvant, Documentary Filmmaker, Committee Member
Steve Rosenthal, Committee Board Member