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Johannes Binotto

Instructor | Graduate Certificate Videographic Criticism

Research Areas

Johannes Binotto is researcher and senior lecturer in cultural and media studies at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and at the English Department of the University of Zurich. He is a regular contributor to the film magazine Filmbulletin, curator, experimental filmmaker and video essayist.   Johannes Binotto obtained his PhD with a book on the Freudian uncanny and its spatial representation in art, literature and cinema which has been awarded 2011 with the annual prize of the University of Zurich and in 2018 he received the Karsten-Witte-Preis for best German film studies paper. He has published an edited volume on Film and Architecture in the legendary book series “Bauwelt Fundamente”. In the “Best Video Essays of 2021” poll, hosted by Sight and Sound Magazine and the British Film Institute his video essay series “Practices of Viewing” received the most nominations. He is currently working on a large study on Classical Hollywood film technology and its relations to the psychoanalytical unconscious. And since 2021 he is leading the research project “VideoEssay. Futures of Audiovisual Research and Teaching” funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) with Dr. Chloé Galibert-Laîné, M.A. Jialu Zhu and M.A. Oswald Iten as research team: