Dayna McLeod
Dayna McLeod is a queer media artist-scholar who actively engages queer and feminist approaches to research-creation through art and media. In 2023, she co-organized and led Embodying the Video Essay, a workshop made possible with funding from a 2023 Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Connection (SSHRC) grant. Here she presented excercises that she developed to established film and media scholars and PhD students that centred embodiment in relation to video essay making. She is part of a collaborative videographic project, Ways of Doing, which fosters an ethical praxis of audiovisual research with Lucy Fife Donaldson (University of St. Andrews), Colleen Laird (University of British Columbia), and Alison Peirse (University of Leeds). Her work has been published in Teknokultura: Journal of Digital Culture and Social Movements, Intermediality: History and Theory of the Arts, Literature and Technologies, Exertions, The Journal of Autoethnography, Theatre Research in Canada, Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media, Journal of Aging Studies, Canadian Theatre Review, and Ciel Variable.