Massachusetts Multicultural Film Festival 2018

"Film Lives!"

The Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies is pleased to announce the gala 25th anniversary season of the annual Massachusetts Multicultural Film Festival, “Film Lives!” Opening its spring season on February 28, 2018, with weekly screenings through April 25, this milestone season shines a spotlight on documentary filmmaking, primarily by women directors, foregrounding narratives of individual and collective lives in critical times. The festival will host seven filmmakers present for post-screening discussions, including two Five College alumni. Screenings are accompanied by critical introductions by scholars and filmmakers.

Screenings are held on the University of Massachusetts Amherst campus in the Isenberg School of Management Flavin Family Auditorium (137 SOM) at 7:30pm on Wednesday evenings unless otherwise noted.

All events are free and open to the public.

Presented by the Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Catherine Portuges, 25th Anniversary Curator; Shawn Shimpach, Festival Director; Barbara Zecchi, Director of the Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies; Assistant Curators: Daniel Pope and Barry Spence.

A one-credit colloquium (COMM 296F) is available to undergraduate students.
For information, please contact colloquium faculty supervisor Anne Ciecko, Communication, UMass Amherst, tel. (413) 545-6348,


Shawn Shimpach