University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Lingsong Kong

Lingsong Kong



Travel Award

School or College: 

School of Public Health & Health Sciences


Dr. Amanda Paluch


Lingsong Kong is a PhD student at the Department of Kinesiology in the School of Public Health and Health Sciences. He is studying physical activity epidemiology under the mentorship of Dr. Amanda Paluch in the EpiTech Activity Lab. Prior to getting into UMass, Lingsong earned his master’s degree in Exercise Science from Southern Connecticut State University. His current research focuses on examining the association between accelerometer-measured physical activity patterns and health outcomes, such as frailty, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity, in multiple populations including older adults and postpartum women. His career goal is to become a physical activity epidemiologist and use his knowledge and research findings to improve public health by promoting physical activity participation.


Postpartum weight retention is associated with an increased risk of obesity later in life, as well as chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and cancer. Postpartum weight retention is also linked to influencing the health of the child, such as breastfeeding and children's gut microbiome. Our study found that higher habitual levels of physical activity, instead of the change of physical activity across 8 weeks, may be associated with postpartum weight change. Our research has the potential to inform important interventions that can support women during pregnancy and postpartum, as well as the health of their children. We hope that our findings can help encourage physical activity and healthy weight loss during this crucial period of life, leading to improved overall well-being for both mother and child, as well as a strong culture of healthy living for the entire family. 

Student Award Academic Year: