University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Kimberly Doughty



Kimberly Doughty’s research attempts to shed light on a link between breastfeeding intensity and rapid weight gain before 12 months of age. Kimberly uses statistical analysis to identify correlations between the intensity of breastfeeding and early life weight gain.

“In the study I presented, I found that both mixed feeding (formula and breast milk) and exclusive formula feeding were associated with significantly increased risk--approximately 2 to 3-fold--of gaining weight rapidly from birth to 12 months of age. This finding is important because rapid postnatal weight gain has been linked to increased risk of obesity, insulin resistance, and high blood pressure in later life.”

Kimberly’s paper, titled “Low breastfeeding intensity is associated with rapid weight gain among infants in the U.S.,” was selected by the International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation for presentation at their annual conference in Charleston, South Carolina in late October, 2014.