University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Jasmine Dixon



Rebecca E. Ready


Jasmine believes that maintaining, and intervening if necessary, in the cognitive health of midlife women is vital to the overall health of the family system. Her aim is to identify the multiple pathways that can explain cognitive change occurring during midlife, and to understand if these processes differ for women of different races and ethnicities. Her research will determine if perceived discrimination, perceived stress, and stressful life events predict later cognitive functioning, and increased depression is one mechanism linking early stress to later cognitive decline. Her study will also determine if the associations between psychosocial stress, depressive symptoms, and cognitive function are affected by women’s race and ethnicty. with the goal of understanding whether racial disparities in cognitive aging exist in midlife could help to inform when and how intervention and/or prevention strategies should be implemented for different racial groups.

Research Proposal Title: 

Depressive Symptomsas a Mediator in the Longitudinal Associations Between PsychosocialStress and Cognitive Decline in a Multi-Ethnic Sample of Midlife Women.


Jasmine Dixon is a PhD candidate in the Clinical Psychology Program, working under the mentorship of Dr. Rebecca Ready. Her research interests are in racial/ethnic differences in risk factors for Mild Cognitive Impairment, Alzheimer's disease, and other dementias. Jasmine was a recipient of the CRF Fall Travel Award in 2018 to help fund travel expenses for The International Neuropsychological Society 47th Annual Meeting in New York City from February 20-23, 2019. She will be presenting her poster titled, "Ethnic Group Differences in Predictors of Cognitive Performance for Midlife Women".


GSGW Academic Year: 

Student Award Academic Year: