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Emily Kumpel

Assistant Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering



Emily Kumpel, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Dr. Kumpel has over a decade of experience conducting research on topics including intermittent water supply, water quality in distribution systems, water access and equity, water quality monitoring, and use of information and communication technologies in water delivery systems. She has conducted extensive field research in India, Kenya, Senegal, and Nigeria, and collaborated on research projects in more than a dozen other countries throughout Africa and Asia.

Dr. Kumpel plans to  define, characterize, and measure household water portfolios through her CRF proposal. She seeks to understand and measure these complex mechanisms of household water access to enable the design of engineered systems that control risks to health and enable provision of safe, sustainable water supplies. The study will be carried out in Nairobi, Kenya, Mysore, India, and the Pioneer Valley in Massachusetts.

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