OFD's Scholarly Writing program supports faculty and librarians through all stages of the writing process—from idea/hypothesis generation to publication. Our program emphasizes developing sustainable writing practices and routines through in-person and online workshops, writing groups, community writing spaces, and mentorship. The Scholarly Writing Fellows (SWFs) program trains faculty and librarians in the best practices of writing support. SWFs lead their peers in weekly writing circles. We also annually support OFD Scholars in moving their research and writing projects forward.

Additionally, the Faculty & Librarians Commons is open any time the library is open for you to come and write. Come grab a cup of coffee, have a snack, and find a comfy spot to work on your scholarship! For more information or to schedule a one-on-one meeting to learn how the Scholarly Writing Program can best support you, reach out to Rebecca Dingo by email.    

If you are looking for an editor, writing coach, or translator reach out to your department head/chair or associate dean for research for suggestions. 

Opportunities to Write in Community

Yellow flowers in front of the Du Bois library

Writing Circles

A writing circle is a small group of colleagues who meet weekly to mentor each other, write together, and share their progress on their writing projects.

Yellow flowers in front of a gray brick building

Scholarly Writing Fellows

Scholarly Writing Fellows (SWFs) work with faculty and librarian writers across campus to develop sustainable writing practices by carving out regular time to meet their writing goals in writing circles.  

Pink flowers in the foreground and the library in the background

OFD Scholars

Each year OFD offers annual support for a unique cohort of scholars, typically at mid-career, for one semester.

Upcoming Events

9:30 am - 11:00 am ET
March Write Where You Are
10:00 am - 12:00 pm ET
March Write on Site
9:30 am - 11:00 am ET
April Write Where You Are

Recent News


You shared your voice, and we listened! This set of resources was developed in response to your needs as expressed in research undertaken by Rebecca Dingo as a Chancellor’s Leadership Fellow in the Office of Faculty Development in 2022–23 and from surveys on faculty satisfaction, including the COACHE survey. If you have more feedback on scholarly writing programming, please contact Rebecca below.

Program Contact
Rebecca Dingo

Senior Fellow and Associate Director, Professor of English

Dr. Rebecca Dingo provides leadership in the creation, implementation, and evaluation of OFD programs that support faculty and librarians as writers and researchers at all stages of the research and writing process—from idea to publication.
View Profile