December 7, 2021

Michelle Budig, Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, is pleased to announce the acceptance of internal applications for the Associate Provost for Faculty Development (APFD) position in the Office of Faculty Development (OFD).

The APFD will provide leadership in realizing the vision and mission of OFD. This office was launched in summer 2019 to serve faculty across the campus. OFD already has had significant engagement and success with the faculty, along with being considered a national model for faculty development programming. This is an outstanding opportunity to join the leadership in Academic Affairs and to direct a creative and dedicated office for faculty support and development. OFD’s mission is to support all faculty through each career stage with workshops and resources, including new faculty orientation and onboarding, research/creative work, scholarly writing, mentoring networks, leadership skills, and career advancement tailored to the faculty lifecycle.  

The APFD will provide leadership in program development and assessment of effectiveness, workshop development and delivery, and collaboration among staff, faculty, and campus partners. The APFD will implement and revise the inaugural strategic plan, continuously assess faculty development needs, expand programming for both tenure-track and non-tenure-track faculty, and collaboratively develop new initiatives. In addition to programming, OFD conducts studies of the faculty to inform programming and services.  

The Associate Provost will report directly to the Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and hold a three-year (renewable) appointment that permits on-going research/scholarly activity. This position will supervise three full-time staff and a faculty fellow. OFD personnel include a Director of Faculty Development, an Events and Communications Manager, and a Business Manager. OFD typically hosts a faculty fellow each year who launches special initiatives to support faculty. A summary of OFD’s operations and impact to date can be found here.  

In addition to working closely with the Sr. Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, this position will participate in the Provost’s Management Group and collaborate with the Associate Provost for Equity and Inclusion, the Associate Provost and Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Office of Research and Engagement, Associate Deans, the UMass ADVANCE team, and others in supporting a comprehensive array of faculty development programs.  

This is envisioned as a full-time appointment, commencing in spring/summer of 2022. The term and FTE for the position are flexible depending on the specific circumstances of the individual selected and to accommodate the candidate’s research and scholarly activity. While a three-year term is expected, the Associate Provost is reviewed and reappointed annually by the SVPFA. Compensation for this position includes up to four course releases and a summer stipend.

Search committee members include Joye Bowman, Associate Dean for HFA; Sergio Breña, Associate Department Head of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Jennifer Lundquist, Senior Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Development in SBS, and Wendy Varner, Director of Faculty Development in OFD.  

Email Mary Ann Donze in the Office of Faculty Development with any questions.