Listening Session with Acting Vice Chancellor for Research & Engagement: Lab Sciences
Recruiting undergraduates to faculty research programs
To assess and improve institutional supports and structures that are key to faculty recruitment, retention, and success, UMass Amherst partnered with the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), to conduct the COACHE survey. This survey revealed that UMass Amherst faculty satisfaction with support for engaging undergraduates in research is not high: “Only 38% of faculty reported at least some satisfaction with this measure, and this is significantly less satisfaction compared to faculty at most of our peer institutions. “
In response to this, Acting Vice Chancellor for Research & Engagement, Laura Vandenberg is hosting listening sessions in early December to hear your thoughts and needs when it comes to involving undergrads in research. The sessions are co-sponsored by the Office of Faculty Development.
If you need help recruiting undergraduates to your research programs, please come by one of these zoom forums to share your experiences and suggestions. There are four sessions, each with a particular research theme. If you can’t make the one closest to your research area, please feel free to come to a different one or reach out to us directly at @email.