Upcoming Service interruptions
358 North Pleasant Street
State elevator inspection. Car(s) may be unavailable during the test. Start/end times are approximate.
Shop Assisting:
Phone: (413) 626-0415
Dept/Shop: PP
Champions Center
State elevator inspection. Car(s) may be unavailable during the test. Start/end times are approximate.
Shop Assisting: FASS, Generator Tech
Phone: (413) 626-0415
Dept/Shop: PP
State elevator inspection. Car(s) may be unavailable during the test. Start/end times are approximate.
Shop Assisting:
Phone: (413) 626-0415
Dept/Shop: PP
Dickinson Hall (academic)
FASS personnel will be inspecting all fire alarm system devices on September 17, 18 and/or 19 between 5pm and 11pm. The majority of the testing will be silent. Fire alarm sounding and flashing of strobe lights will occur for brief periods. The testing activities should not cause any interruption in building activities.
Shop Assisting:
Phone: 5-1153
Dept/Shop: PP
State elevator inspection. Car(s) may be unavailable during the test. Start/end times are approximate.
Shop Assisting:
Phone: (413) 626-0415
Dept/Shop: PP
Goessmann, Lederle and Draper
Transition from the Temp Steam to the Permanent Steam. Tom F-Mechanical Utilities has been notified and he and his crew will be present. They will assist on the proper procedure of turning on Permanent Steam and shutting down Temp Steam. According to Tom F and the contractors Suffolk Construction-CM and Kleeberg Mechanical-Steam there should be "No Disruption" in Steam Service.
Shop Assisting: Utilities Mechanical
Phone: 413-800-6739
Dept/Shop: DCM
The instrument control panel which is located in the loading is very old and may or may not power existing instrument panels boxes. The panel boxes are gray and very in size from 4"x12" or 4"x 16". These panel boxes have red or black outlets inside where an instrument would be powered. The area mostly affected by this shut down will be in the basement of new Hasbrouck. Occupants may be impacted if their equipment is powered by such a panel box as described above
Shop Assisting:
Phone: 413-374-5655
Dept/Shop: DCM
Hasbrouck Rms 04, 07, 09 & 011
Shut down air flow to Hasbrouck Rms 04, 07, 09 & 011 due to abatement in construction area.
Shop Assisting: Z4 HVAC
Phone: 413-374-5655
Dept/Shop: DCM
State elevator inspection. Car(s) may be unavailable during the test. Start/end times are approximate.
Shop Assisting:
Phone: (413) 626-0415
Dept/Shop: PP
State elevator inspection. Car(s) may be unavailable during the test. Start/end times are approximate.
Shop Assisting:
Phone: (413) 626-0415
Dept/Shop: PP
State elevator inspection. Car(s) may be unavailable during the test. Start/end times are approximate.
Shop Assisting:
Phone: (413) 626-0415
Dept/Shop: PP
Morrill 4 North N015
Low pressure steam Spence valve needs to be replaced. There will be no heat or domestic hot water
Shop Assisting: Paul Grimard
Phone: 4136872801
Dept/Shop: PP
State elevator inspection. Car(s) may be unavailable during the test. Start/end times are approximate.
Shop Assisting:
Phone: (413) 626-0415
Dept/Shop: PP
State elevator inspection. Car(s) may be unavailable during the test. Start/end times are approximate.
Shop Assisting:
Phone: (413) 626-0415
Dept/Shop: PP
Tillson House
FASS personnel will be inspecting all fire alarm system devices on September 24, 25 and/or 26 between 5pm and 11pm. The majority of the testing will be silent. Fire alarm sounding and flashing of strobe lights will occur for brief periods. The testing activities should not cause any interruption in building activities.
Shop Assisting:
Phone: 5-1153
Dept/Shop: PP
State elevator inspection. Car(s) may be unavailable during the test. Start/end times are approximate.
Shop Assisting:
Phone: (413) 626-0415
Dept/Shop: PP
State elevator inspection. Car(s) may be unavailable during the test. Start/end times are approximate.
Shop Assisting: Generator Tech; Simplex
Phone: (413) 626-0415
Dept/Shop: PP