Please answer the following question to the best of your ability. First Name * Last Name * Preferred Email * 1. Which chord nomenclature represents a Minor 7th chord? * a. Ab-7 b. DB7 c. Eb∆7 d. C#dim7 e. I don't know 2. Which of these songs is a 32-bar rhythm changes? * a. Sidewinder b. Girl From Ipanema c. There Will Never Be Another You d. Cottontail e. I don't know 3. What is the common name for the following chord progression? D-7 / G7 / C∆7 * a. Bird Blues b. Trane Changes c. Two,Five,One d. Pedal e. I don't know 4. Which of the key signatures represents the key of E minor? a. b. c. d. e. I don't know q4 options * - Select -abcde 5. Which chord is a tritone substitution for G7? * a. Ab7 b. Db7 c. Eb7 d. F#7 e. I Don't Know 6. Which scale is the correct F Blues scale? * a. F, G, A, Bb, C, D, E, F b. F, G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, F c. F, G, Ab, Bb, C, Db, Eb, F d. F, Ab, Bb, B, C, Eb, F e. I Don't Know 7. Miles Davis, Wynton Marsalis, and Dizzy Gillespie all play which instrument? * a. Drums b. Trumpet c. Piano d. Saxophone e. I Don't Know 8. Which are the correct notes of a C Minor 6 chord? * a. C, Eb, G, Bb b. C, Eb, G, A c. C, Eb, G, B d. C, Eb, G, Ab e. I Don't Know 9. Which of these songs is a 12-bar blues? * a. Take the "A" Train b. Misty c. All the Things You Are d. Blue Monk e. I Don't Know 10. Which chord nomenclature represents a Major 7th chord? * a. F-7 b. C+7 c. Eb∆7 d. A°7 e. I Don't Know 11. Which of these is a time signature? a. Adagio b. c. d. e. I don't know q11 options * - Select -abcde 12. Which style is most commonly characterized by a 3/4 time signature? * a. Samba b. Rock c. Waltz d. Hip-Hop e. I Don't Know 13. Girl From Impanema is typically performed in which style? * a. Bossa Nova b. Swing c. Rock d. Funk e. I Don't Know 14. What musical effect does the term "double time feel" imply? * a. Music tempo sounds half as slow b. Music stops c. Swing eighth notes have heavier off-beat accents d. Music tempo sounds twice as fast e. I Don't Know 15. Which are the correct notes of a D Major 9 chord? * a. D, F#, A, C#, E b. D, F, A, C, E c. D, F#, A, C, E d. D, F, A, C#, E e. I Don't Know 16. Which scale is the correct Bb Major scale? * a. Bb, C, D, E, F, G, A, Bb b. Bb, C, Db, Eb, F, Gb, Ab, Bb c. Bb, C, D, E, F#, G#, Bb d. Bb, C, D, Eb, F, G, A, Bb e. I Don't Know 17. Which of these songs is most performed as a ballad? * a. In a Sentimental Mood b. Donna Lee c. Giant Steps d. Straight No Chaser e. I Don't Know 18. Which notes are included in an F7(#5, #9)? * a. F, A, C#, Eb, G b. F, Ab, C#, E, G# c. F, A, C#, Eb, G# d. F, A, C#, E, G# e. I Don't Know 19. Which of the key signatures represents the key of Ab Major? a. b. c. d. e. I don't know q19 options * - Select -abcde 20. Which chord scale is most commonly played on the G7(#11) in the following chord progression? D-9 / G7(#11) / C∆7 * a. G major scale b. D minor scale c. G mixolydian scale d. G lydian-dominant scale e. I Don't Know