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A Welcome Message from the Associate Vice Chancellor of Equal Opportunity and Access

Our goal is for UMass Amherst to be a safe and welcoming place for our entire community.

My name is Kerri Tillett (she, her, hers) and I am the Associate Vice Chancellor for Equal Opportunity and Access, Title IX Coordinator, and ADA Compliance Officer.  The Office of Equal Opportunity and Access (EOA) is responsible for insuring compliance with federal and state civil rights law, including Title IX. Our goal is for UMass Amherst to be a safe and welcoming place for our entire community.  Let’s work together to make that happen!

I hope that you will take time to review our website.  We have included information that will be helpful in the unfortunate event that you, or someone you know, is a victim of prohibited discrimination and harassment.  EOA investigates and responds to these issues and provides support and resources to those affected by this behavior.

We are committed to the success and well-being of every individual in our community. Discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct—including sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and retaliation—do not align with our values and are not tolerated in our community. 

UMass community members are encouraged to report incidents to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access through the following online link: Reporting will not change what happened to you or a member of our community, but it helps the University hold persons accountable and may help stop it from happening to someone else. Together, we can create a community where all members feel respected and safe.

We hope exploring this site will help you learn more about Equal Opportunity and Access on the Amherst campus.

Please join with EOA as we partner to make UMA a campus that is committed to providing a welcoming and safe environment for all.


Kerri Tillett

Associate Vice Chancellor – Title IX Coordinator