What to Expect When an Incident is Reported?

After Equal Opportunity and Access/Title IX staff receive a report, they will promptly begin a process to address the concern. Below is a step-by-step description of what happens next.

1. Assess Safety

Assessment of Immediate Safety Concerns: May include UMass Police Department (UMPD); Center for Women and Community (CWC); and/or the Massachusetts Court System.

2. Determine the Appropriate Follow Up

If a Harassment Prevention Order is Granted OR a Law Enforcement Proceeding Underway (arrest, charges), etc. then the Associate Vice Chancellor (AVC) - Title IX (TIX) Coordinator will put appropriate Supportive Measures and Interim Restrictions in place, which can include no-contact directives, housing or campus restrictions, and emergency removals.

3. Consult with Campus Partners

The Title IX Team may consult with Campus Partners. They may include Student Life and Campus Life (SACL), Academics, Center for Counseling and Psychological Health (CCPH), Dean of Students Office (DOSO), Human Resources (HR), et 

4. Promptly Outreach to the Reporting Party and Offer an Intake Meeting

Title IX staff will conduct an initial assessment to assess safety concerns during the intake meeting and discuss your desired outcome. You will be informed of your rights per UMass Policy and State and Federal Law. Together, you will discuss what sorts of supportive measures you need, such as academic accommodations, changes to living arrangements, a no-contact order, or changes to work schedule. Arranging supportive measures does not require other parties to be involved.

Once supportive measures are arranged, possible resolutions will be discussed. This could involve an informal resolution—such as training, informational meetings, or education—with the accused. There could also be mediation, which requires all parties to agree to the terms. The matter may proceed to a formal investigation.

If you don’t wish to move forward, or if there isn’t enough information to conduct an investigation, the matter may be closed. 

If the Reporting Party declines an intake or does not respond to outreach, EOA will send the Party an closure email with Resource Information. Possible outcomes from the intake meeting are: supportive measures only or a formal complaint filed.