Reporting Harassment and Discrimination
The University of Massachusetts Amherst is committed to maintaining a positive campus climate for all community members and adherence by all to the University’s policies prohibiting harassment and nondiscrimination is an essential part of maintaining a positive campus climate.
This page details how one can report concerns relating to protected civil rights including harassment, discrimination, sex-based discrimination, sexual misconduct, sex-based discrimination under Title IX, sexual or gender harassment including sexual assault, sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, and domestic violence; or retaliation, and all forms of discrimination and harassment defined as Prohibited Conduct by the University’s Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Interpersonal Violence which defines what constitutes Prohibited Conduct. The Prohibited Discrimination and Harassment Resolution Procedures details how to file such a complaint and the procedures involved in the process.
Kerri Thompson Tillett, Associate Chancellor for Equal Opportunity and Access serves as the University’s designated Title IX, Title VI, and ADA Coordinator. Should a party seek to contact her directly, please direct such inquiry to:
Kerri Thompson Tillett
Associate Vice Chancellor for Equal Opportunity and Access
ADA, Title IX Coordinator
225 Bartlett Hall, 130 Hicks Way
Amherst, Massachusetts 01003
Tel: (413) 545-3464
Email -
Make A Report Online - Report A Concern
Please do not use this format in an emergency situation. In an emergency, please call 9-1-1 from a Landline or the UMass Police Department emergency number from your Cell (413) 545-3111 for the quickest response. (If you call 9-1-1 from your cell phone, you reach the MA State Police, who will then transfer you to UMPD.) Dialing 9-1-1 from Campus Landline phones automatically connects you to UMPD Emergency.
For advocacy and support call the Center for Women and Community’s Sexual Assault Support and Advocacy (SASA) 24/7 Hot Line: (413) 545-0800 or Toll Free (888) 337-0800.
Additionally, reporting a concern does not constitute filing an official police report, you must contact the UMPD directly. The UMass Police Department (UMPD) can be reached at (413) 545-2121 for non-emergencies.
Please note that EOA strives to protect the privacy of individuals and shares information only on a ‘need to know’ basis. All information will remain private but not confidential including information submitted to EOA via email or using the online Report A Concern form. While we encourage you to report incidents or concerns directly to the EOA/Title IX Coordinator, there are other reporting options and confidential support resources available.
If you choose to report an incident or concern via email to the Equal Opportunity and Access or the Title IX Coordinator, please include the following information if possible:
About You: Name; Area of Study; Position/Title; Department; Preferred Phone & Email.
About the Incident(s): Date/Time; Location; Brief Description of the Incident(s) Causing Concern.
About Other Party(ies) Involved: Name(s); Position/Title; Department; Contact Information.
Following submission of a report, EOA reviews the report and will assign a staff member to contact the reporting party.1
TIX Responsible Employees must report a student's disclosure of possible prohibited conduct, please consult Responding to Disclosures: Guide for Responsible Employees for tips on how to respond to the student and how to report sexual discrimination or misconduct to the University.
If you are uncertain whether or not you are a TIX Responsible Employee, or what being designated as one entails, please see TIX Responsible Employees at UMass Amherst where you can find additional information or take the TIX Responsible Employee Training.
1) Please be aware that submitting a report does not necessarily mean a complaint has been filed. Reports submitted to EOA require EOA to objectively review the report, determine appropriate follow up action(s) in line with the Policy, and to determine whether or not a Complaint has been filed. The University defines a complaint to be an oral or written request that objectively can be reasonably understood as a request for the University to investigate and make a determination about alleged Prohibited Conduct under the University's Policy.