The following research centers are associated with Department of Environmental Conservation:

Conte Anadromous Fish Laboratory

The Conte Lab is a research facility of the USGS, located adjacent to the Connecticut River in Turner’s Falls, 12 miles north of the UMass campus. Research focuses on the ecology, physiology, and behavior of Atlantic salmon and other anadromous fish species, and on biological and engineering issues of upstream fish passage in the Connecticut River watershed. The Chief of the lab is Stephen D. McCormick.

Cooperative for Marine Education and Research (CMER)

CMER at UMass is one of four partnerships that the NFMS Northeast Marine Fisheries Science Center at Woods Hole has formed with universities in the Northeast. The Center fosters collaboration in marine research between NFMS scientists and UMass faculty and students–ranging from ecological studies of fish species to food science issues with seafood products to human dimensions of subsistence fishing. The director of CMER is Ken Sherman.

Family Forest Research Center (FFRC)

This is a collaborative effort between the USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station and the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Environmental Conservation. The goal of the FFRC is to conduct relevant research that helps understand the social and economic dimensions of family forestry in order to promote sustainable forest management that meets the current and future needs of landowners, communities, and society

Harvard Forest

The Harvard Forest is a research facility of Harvard University located in the town of Petersham, 25 miles east of UMass. It is an NSF Long Term Ecological Research site that focuses on the impact of natural and human-caused disturbances on forests. Several scientists at the Harvard Forest are UMass adjunct faculty members, including the Director, David Foster.

Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

The Coop Unit consists of three USGS scientists whose research work is funded collaboratively through state and federal agencies and conservation organizations. The focus of research is on wildlife ecology and management in surburban areas, and on the use of quantitative approaches for solving natural resource issues. Allison Roy is the head of the Unit, and the members have offices in Holdsworth Hall.

New England Research Institute for Moose and Forest Dynamics

The New England Research Institute for Moose and Forest Dynamics focuses on the ecology and dynamics of moose and forest interactions. Specifically, we study the movements and habitat use of moose throughout central and western Massachusetts and examine the relationships between moose ecology and woody vegetation regeneration, structure, and composition with respect to forest harvesting strategies.

US Forest Service Research Work Units:

Communities and Landscapes of the Urban Northeast

Susannah Lerman, Keith Nislow, David Bloniarz, Matt Fuller and Max Piana

Northern Forest Research and Application

David King and Keith Nislow

Forest Inventory and Analysis

Brett Butler, Jesse Caputo and Family Forest Research Center staff