Extension & Outreach Programs
The following extension and outreach programs are associated with the Department of Environmental Conservation:
Clean Energy Corps
UMass Clean Energy Corps is an interdisciplinary service learning program that accelerates the transition to clean energy in Massachusetts and beyond by assisting with municipal clean energy projects and contributing to the development of the clean energy workforce.
- Clean Energy Corps
- Building Energy Extension
- Contact: Clean Energy Extension- energyextension@umass.edu
USDA Forest Service Urban Natural Resources Institute
The Institute, located in Holdsworth Hall, is part of the Forest Service’s Northeast Experiment Station. It provides information, tools, and technology to urban and rural communities throughout the Northeast, focusing on maintaining healthy forests in urban and suburban areas.
- Contact: David Bloniarz
Landscape, Nursery, and Urban Forestry Diagnostic Laboratory
The Diagnostic Lab, located in Holdsworth Hall, is a part of UMass Extension. The Lab provides service to the greens industry, natural resource agencies, and individuals by diagnosing problems with woody plants and turfgrass caused by insects or disease. Details about fees and instructions for sending specimens are given at the Lab’s web site.
- Contact: Dan Gillman
Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (NREC) Extension Program
The NREC Extension Program provides educational programs and materials to individuals, groups, and agencies on a wide range of conservation topics, including watersheds, wetlands, land use, forest management and products, and environmental education. NREC staff work closely with ECO faculty to link outreach programs with the most up-to-date research. The director of the program is Scott Jackson; staff are located on the UMass campus and across the state.
Forest Conservation Program of UMass Extension
The Forest Conservation program of UMass Extension provides educational opportunities on forests and forestry for natural resource professionals, forest landowners, and the general public through workshops, publications, and web resources.
Masswoods.net promotes informed decision-making for woodland owners at two important times: the potential sale of timber or considering the future ownership and use of the property. Masswoods features information on: foresters, land trusts, conservation organizations and Keystone cooperators working at the local level; information on the sale or protection of woodland; forestry programs, and monthly highlights.
Woods Forums are local opportunities for private woodland owners to share information and experiences about their land. Woodland owners can learn much from one another.
The Keystone Project educates people with significant potential to have a positive conservation impact in their community. Keystone Cooperators commit to serve as local spokespersons or advocates to be a local source of conservation information. Important people are making a conservation difference.
Stumpage prices for standing timber are aggregated on a quarterly basis for southern New England, and are summarized on this site.
Information on Massachusetts forester licensing, including the law and pertaining regulations, upcoming continuing education for licensed foresters, and other details are on this site.
- Contact: Paul Catanzaro