Olver Design Building 316

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Primary Interests

Dr. Clouston has been working in the field of timber engineering for over 30 years. Author on over than 80 publications, she conducts research on the structural behavior and efficient use of advanced bio-based (wood, grass and straw) composite materials. Current research topics include CLT panels from low-value eastern species, timber-concrete composite floor systems, and laminated veneer bamboo connections. She teaches courses in structural timber design, bio-based composites and material mechanics/tectonics to architects, engineers, and building technologists.

Dr. Clouston is a registered professional engineer (EGBC) and serves as Associate Editor of the ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. In 2016, she led the design, engineering, and construction of a large student design/build project that culminated in the construction of a Massive Timber Dome (30ft x 30ft) on the plaza of the UMass Fine Arts Center.


  • Cross Laminated Timber Panels from Northeastern Woods
  • Shear Properties of Structural Lumber
  • Timber-Concrete Composite Floor Systems
  • The Effect of Grain Angle on Dowel Bearing Strength of Laminated Veneer Bamboo

Courses Taught

  • ARCH 650 – Tectonics II (on Moodle)
  • BCT 330 – Mechanics of Building Materials for Construction (on Moodle)
  • BCT 540 – Design of Wood Structures (on Moodle)
  • BCT 597F – Wood Design Studio/Bio-based Building
  • ECO 692S – Readings in Sustainable Building Systems (on Moodle)


Ph.D. (Wood Mechanics, University of British Columbia)
M.A.Sc. (Wood Mechanics, University of British Columbia)
B.A.Sc (Structural Engineering, University of British Columbia)
P. Eng. (EGBC and ASCE Associate Member)

Selected Publications


O’Donnell, F, Arwade, S, & Clouston, P. 2022. “Application of Variability Response Function to Cross Laminated Timber.” Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 67, 103177.

Rivera‐Cruz, J, Breña, S, Gerasimidis, S, and Clouston, P. 2021. “Behavior of Perimeter Beams with Integrity Reinforcement Details of Low Seismic Regions.” Structural Journal, 118(6),
203‐214.ACI Structural Journal

Bahmanzad A, Clouston P, Arwade S, Schreyer A. 2020. “Shear Properties of Symmetric Angle‐ply Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) Panels.” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil
Engineering, 32(9), 04020254

Bahmanzad, A, Clouston, P, Arwade, S, & Schreyer, A. 2020. “Shear Properties of Eastern Hemlock with Respect to Fiber Orientation for Use in Cross Laminated Timber.” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 32(7), 04020165

Kaboli H, Clouston P, Lawrence S. 2020. “Feasibility of Two Northeastern Species in three-layer ANSI Approved Cross Laminated Timber.” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 32(3), 04020006

Clouston P. 2019. Book Chapter 6.5 Timber and Concrete. In book by Robert Hairstans: Off-site and Industrialized Timber Construction. Delivering Quality and Efficiency (2nd edition). Publisher: BM TRADA. ISBN 978-1-909594-81-4.

Schreyer A, Clouston P. 2019. J.W. Olver Design Building – A Case Study of a US Mass Timber Building. Wood Design Focus Journal. pp. 10

Brause C; Clouston P; Darling N. 2019. BTES Conference Proceedings Integration + Innovation, Proceedings of Building Technology Educator’s Society Conference: Vol. 2019, Amherst, MA. Available at: https://scholarworks.umass.edu/btes/vol2019/iss1/56

Khoshbakht N, Clouston P, Arwade SR, Schreyer AC. 2018. “Evaluation of ASTM D5764 Dowel Connection Tests for Laminated Veneer Bamboo (LVB)” ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 47(4).

Kaboli, H, & Clouston, P. 2018. “Eastern Hemlock in Bamboo-Reinforced Glulam.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 31(1), 04018335.

Al-Sammari, AT, Clouston, P, & Breña, SF.  2018. “Finite-Element Analysis and Parametric Study of Perforated Steel Plate Shear Connectors for Wood–Concrete Composites.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 144(10), 04018191.

Khoshbakht N, Clouston P, Arwade SR, & Schreyer AC. 2017. “Computational Modeling of Laminated Veneer Bamboo Dowel Connections.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering30(2), 04017285.

Koh RS, and Clouston P. 2017. “In-Plane Shear Properties of Laminated Wood from Tension and Compression Tests of Angle-Ply Laminates.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 29(11), 04017214.

Amini A, Arwade SR, & Clouston P. 2017. “Modeling the Effect of Void Shapes on the Compressive Behavior of Parallel-Strand Lumber.” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 29(9), 04017129.

Witayakran S., Smitthipong W., Wangpradid R., Chollakup R., Clouston P. 2016. “Natural Fiber Composites: Review of Recent Automotive Trends.”. In: Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Saleem Hashmi (Editor-in-Chief), Oxford. Elsevier; p.1-9

Brojan L., Weil B., Clouston P. 2015. “Air Tightness of Straw Bale Construction.” Journal of Green Building, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 99-113

Brojan, L., Clouston, P. 2014. “Effect of Plaster Type and Loading Orientation on Compression Behavior of Straw Bales for Construction”. Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences,9(9)

Disén, K. and Clouston P. 2014. “Building with Bamboo: a Review of Culm Connection Technology.” Journal of Green Building, 8(4), 83-93

Yang Z, Clouston P, Schreyer A. 2013. “Torsional Shear Tests on Laminated Veneer Lumber using a Universal-type Test Machine” ASCE, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 25, Iss. 12, pp. 1979 – 1983

Mahdavi M, Clouston P, Arwade S. 2012. “A Low-technology Approach toward Development of Laminated Bamboo Lumber”, Elsevier: Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 29, pp. 257–262

Mahdavi M, Clouston P, Arwade S. 2011. “Development of Laminated Bamboo Lumber: a review of processing, performance and economical considerations.” ASCE, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 7, July 1, pp. 1036-1042

Clouston P, Schreyer A. 2008. “Design and Use of Wood-Concrete Composites”. ASCE Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 13(4), pp. 167-175

Clouston P. 2007. “Characterization and Strength Modeling of Parallel Strand Lumber”. Journal Holzforschung, Vol. 61, pp. 394-399

Clouston P and Schreyer A. 2006.” Wood Concrete Composites: A Structurally Efficient Material Option”. Civil Engineering Practice. Boston Society of Civil Engineers (BSCE) Section / American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Spring/Summer 2006, pp. 5-22

Clouston P, Bathon L, Schreyer A. 2005. “Shear and Bending Performance of a Novel Wood-Concrete Composite System”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. 131(9), pp.1404-1412

PhD THESIS, “Computational Modeling of Strand-based Wood Composites”, Department of Wood Science, University of British Columbia , 2001