Adrian Jordaan
Associate Professor of Fish Population Ecology and Conservation
Research Interests
I am interested in (1) understanding the influence of environmental variables on growth and survival of individuals and populations, (2) elucidating the temporal and spatial structure and function of ecosystems, and (3) determining the best management policies given the environmental constraints on growth, survival and geographic distributions of fish.
Currently, I work on the historical ecology of the northwestern Atlantic, movements and management of Atlantic sturgeon and river herring, and spatial aspects of marine ecosystems including how to best design protected areas.
Ph.D., 2006, University of Maine
Publications (past 3 years)
Ryan1, K., A.J. Danylchuk and A. Jordaan. Online First. Is marine spatial planning enough to overcome biological data deficiencies? Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management.
Marjadi2, M., A.H. Roy, A. Jordaan, B.I. Gahagan1, M. Armstrong and A.R. Whiteley. In Press. Larger body size and earlier run timing increase alewife reproductive success in a whole lake experiment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Devine1, M.D., A.H. Roy, A.R. Whiteley, B.I. Gahagan1, M.P. Armstrong and A. Jordaan. 2018. Precision and relative effectiveness of a purse seine for sampling age-0 river herring in lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 38(3): 650-662.
Rosset1, J., A.H. Roy, B. Gahagan1, A. Whiteley, M. Armstrong, J. Sheppard and A. Jordaan. 2017. Temporal patterns of river herring migration and spawning in coastal Massachusetts. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 146(6): 1101-1114.
Mattocks1, S., C.J. Hall and A. Jordaan. 2017. Damming, lost connectivity and the historical role of anadromous fish in freshwater ecosystem dynamics. BioScience 67(8): 713-728.*EDITOR’S CHOICE
Alexander, K.E., Leavenworth, W.B., Willis, T.V., Hall, C., Mattocks, S., Bittner, S.M., Klein, E., Staudinger, M., Bryan, A., Rosset, J., Carr, B.H., and Jordaan, A. 2017. Tambora and the mackerel year: Phenology and fisheries during an extreme climate event. Science Advances, 3(1), p.e1601635.
Becker, S.L., Finn, J.T., Danylchuk, A.J., Pollock, C.G., Hillis-Starr, Z., Lundgren, I. and Jordaan, A., 2016. Influence of detection history and analytic tools on quantifying spatial ecology of a predatory fish in a marine protected area. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 562, pp.147-161.
Melnychuk, M.C., Dunton, K.J., Jordaan, A., McKown, K.A. and Frisk, M.G., 2016. Informing conservation strategies for the endangered Atlantic sturgeon using acoustic telemetry and multi‐state mark–recapture models. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Klein, E.S., Glaser, S.M., Jordaan, A., Kaufman, L. and Rosenberg, A.A., 2016. A complex past: historical and contemporary fisheries demonstrate nonlinear dynamics and a loss of determinism. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 557, pp.237-246.
Breece, M.W., Fox, D.A., Dunton, K.J., Frisk, M.G., Jordaan, A. and Oliver, M.J., 2016. Dynamic seascapes predict the marine occurrence of an endangered species: Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Dunton, K.J., Jordaan, A., Secor, D.H., Martinez, C.M., Kehler, T., Hattala, K.A., Van Eenennaam, J.P., T. Fisher, M., McKown, K.A., Conover, D.O. and Frisk, M.G., 2016. Age and growth of Atlantic sturgeon in the New York bight. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 36(1), pp.62-73.
Yencho, M.A., Jordaan, A., Cerrato, R.M., Baumann, H. and Frisk, M.G., 2015. Growth and mortality in coastal populations of winter flounder: implications for recovery of a depleted population. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 7(1), pp.246-259.
Dunton, K.J., Jordaan, A., Conover, D.O., McKown, K.A., Bonacci, L.A. and Frisk, M.G., 2015. Marine distribution and habitat use of Atlantic sturgeon in New York lead to fisheries interactions and bycatch. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 7(1), pp.18-32.
Frisk, M.G., Jordaan, A. and Miller, T.J., 2014. Moving beyond the current paradigm in marine population connectivity: are adults the missing link?. Fish and Fisheries, 15(2), pp.242-254.
Past Publications
Brown, J.J., Limburg, K.E., Waldman, J.R., Stephenson, K., Glenn, E.P., Juanes, F. and Jordaan, A., 2013. Fish and hydropower on the US Atlantic coast: failed fisheries policies from half‐way technologies. Conservation Letters, 6(4), pp.280-286.
Jordaan, A., Frisk, M.G., Incze, L.S., Wolff, N.H., Hamlin, L. and Chen, Y., 2012. Multivariate dissemination of species relationships for use in marine spatial planning. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 70(2), pp.316-329.
Hall, C.J., A. Jordaan and M.G. Frisk. 2012. Centuries of anadromous forage fish loss: consequences for ecosystem connectivity and productivity. Bioscience 62(8): 723-731.
Wuenschel, M.J., K.W. Able, J.A. Buckel, J.W. Morley, T. Lankford, A. C. Branson, D.O. Conover, D. Drisco, A. Jordaan, K. Dunton, D.H. Secor, R.J. Woodland, F. Juanes and D. Stormer. 2012. Recruitment patterns and habitat use of young-of-the-year bluefish along the United States east coast: insights from coordinated coastwide sampling. Reviews in Fisheries Science 20(2): 80-102.
Dunton, K.J., D. Chapman, A. Jordaan, K. Feldheim, S. O’Leary, K.A. McKown and M.G. Frisk. 2012. Genetic mixed-stock analysis of Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus in a heavily exploited marine habitat indicates the need for routine genetic monitoring. Journal of Fish Biology 80(1): 207-217.
Nuttall, M.A., A. Jordaan, R.M. Cerrato, M.G. Frisk. 2011. Identifying 120 years of decline in ecosystem structure and maturity of Great South Bay, New York using the Ecopath modelling approach. Ecological Modelling 222: 3335-3345.
Jordaan, A., J. Crocker and Y. Chen. 2011. Linkages among physical and biological properties in tidepools on the Maine Coast. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 92(1): 13-23.
Hall, C.J., A. Jordaan and M.G. Frisk. 2011. The historical influence of dams on diadromous fish habitat with a focus on river herring and hydrologic longitudinal connectivity. Landscape Ecology 26(1): 95-107.
Dunton, K.J., A. Jordaan, M.G. Frisk, and D.O. Conover. 2010. Marine distribution, abundance, and habitat of Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus using fishery independent surveys. US Fisheries Bulletin 108:450-465.
Jordaan, A., Chen, Y., Townsend, D.W. and S. Sherman 2010. Identification of ecological structure and species relationships along an oceanographic gradient in the Gulf of Maine using multivariate analysis with bootstrapping. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67(4): 701-719.
Jordaan, A. 2010. Fish assemblages spatially structure along a multi-scale wave energy gradient. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 87(1): 13-24.