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Research Fellow for the Family Forest Research Center

Research Fellow



Organismic and Evolutionary Biology (OEB)

Collegiate M

Jamie Adkins is an Organismic and Evolutionary Biology (OEB) at the department of Environmental Conservation.

Collegiate M

Associate Professor, Department of Architecture

Adjunct Professor, Building Construction and Technology Program, Department of Environmental Conservation

Ajla Akšamija

Ajla Aksamija, PhD, LEED AP BD+C, CDT is an Associate Professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She received PhD in Architecture from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with an emphasis on technology and environment. Her interdisciplinary research approach spans architecture, engineering, material and computer science. Her research expertise includes building science and sustainability, emerging technologies, digital design and representations, information modeling, and innovations in architecture.

Ajla Akšamija

Postdoctoral Researcher

Tamee Albrecht

As a human-environment geographer, Tamee examines issues at the intersection of society and the environment. Her research focuses on environmental governance, climate change adaptation in water governance, and interactions among water, energy, and food resources. Her work occurs at multiple scales, in urban to transboundary contexts.

Tamee Albrecht

Senior Research Fellow

Northeast RISCC Management

Jenica Allen

Senior Research Fellow

Jenica Allen

Research Assistant Professor

Jeremy C. Andersen

I am a Research Assistant Professor interested in using molecular methods to inform the study invasive insects and weeds, more successfully implement biological control programs, and inform insect conservation efforts.

Jeremy C. Andersen

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Andy Anderson

Andy Anderson regularly teaches non-credit GIS courses and occasionally teach for-credit courses at UMass and Amherst College. They also regularly participate in the ECo Quantitative Sciences Group, assisting students with the design and interpretation of their experiments. Outside of work they like to hike, bike, and cross-country ski.

Andy Anderson

Research Fellow for the Family Forest Research Center

Abigail Andrews

Research Fellow in the Family Forest Research Center

Abigail Andrews

PhD Student, Environmental Conservation

Mariela Garcia Arredondo

Mariela Garcia Arredondo is a PhD Student in the department of Environmental Conservation.

Mariela Garcia Arredondo


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