About the Department of Environmental Conservation

Located within the UMass School of Earth & Sustainability (SES), the Department of Environmental Conservation (ECo) is passionate about our mission—the stewardship of healthy and sustainable ecosystems that provide important human and community benefits – and deeply committed to training the next generation of scholars and practitioners.  Our diverse areas of focus include sustainable building and construction, natural resource ecology and management (e.g., forests, fish, wildlife, wetlands, watersheds, plants), sustainability, renewable energy, environmental governance and decision-making, global climate change, urban forestry, and conservation. The unifying focus of all these activities is on the stewardship of healthy and sustainable ecosystems that provide important human and community benefits.

In partnership with the Departments of Earth, Geographic, and Climate SciencesStockbridge School of AgricultureMicrobiology, and Landscape Architecture & Regional Planning, SES brings together academic programs, research, and extension focused on sustainability in the natural and built environments. 

ECo is also one of 16 departments in the College of Natural Sciences.


Visit our contact form page for details.

How to Find Us

We are located at the Northwestern edge of the UMass Amherst Campus (near Stockbridge Hall). Please see the visiting ECo page and the University’s visit campus page for details.