About WRLS (formerly SPoW)
The letter of specialization in Writing, Rhetoric, and Literacy Studies (WRLS)* helps students to develop a stronger theoretical and practical understanding of writing. WRLS focuses on "everyday" forms of writing: the writing that people do in school, in communities and workplaces, as political expression, and online.
Beginning in fall '24: English majors, primary or secondary, seeking a credential in this area should declare a Concentration in Writing, Rhetoric, and Literacy Studies (WRLS). *As of fall '24, the name of the Study and Practice of Writing specialization is changing to Writing, Rhetoric, and Literacy Studies (WRLS).
New Requirements (5 courses)
The following new requirements apply to students beginning WRLS/SPoW in fall '23 or after. Students who began WRLS/SPoW prior to fall '23 may choose to follow either the old or the new requirements. All students must complete a minimum of 5 courses, as outlined below, with a minimum grade of a C.
- English 250: Introduction to Writing, Rhetoric, and Literacy Studies
- One Public or Professional Writing course (A or B)
- One Writing Theory or Teaching of Writing course (C)
- 2 electives, numbered 200+, from any category below (D)
**Students are strongly encouraged to pursue at least one course with technology designation.
Students are encouraged to complete at least one relevant credited internship or practicum.
The letter of specialization in WRLS is open to students from any major. It can be an especially good fit for students who enjoy writing or plan to to enter a writing-intensive profession, such as:
- writing for non-profits,
- publishing (commercial or academic),
- content strategy (planning and creating content for the web)
- editing
- science or medical writing,
- legal writing,
- nonfiction writing,
- new media development,
- and others.
The specialization can also serve as preparation for graduate work in composition and rhetoric or for those who plan to teach writing.
- WRLS coursework is not geared toward the production of fiction or poetry; students who want to focus on these types of writing should pursue the Creative Writing concentration.
- Students wishing to develop a broad range of writing skills may choose to pursue more than one specialization (WRLS, PWTC, CW).
- Students who wish to develop marketable skills or pursue a particular career path may wish to speak with a WRLS/PWTC advisor to discuss fit.
Course offerings vary from semester to semester. The courses listed below are included here to give you a feel for the types of courses that can be counted toward this specialization. Students are encouraged to choose from each category the courses that best match their interests and post-graduation goals.
The old requirements follow below.
You must complete a minimum of five courses, as outlined below, with a minimum grade of a C.
- A - At least 1 Public/Civic writing course
- B - English 379: Introduction to Professional Writing
- C - At least 1 Theories of writing
- D - At least 2 Writing electives from the A, B, or C categories. An internship in writing or publishing may count toward one of these electives (requires approval), as well as English 389 — The Major and Beyond: Career Exploration for English Majors (highly recommended).
**Technology: At least one of the courses above must have a writing technology designation.
Note: If a course meets more than one lettered category (A, B, C, D), then you must choose one category and fulfill the other category with a separate course.
WRLS Courses
Courses with a writing technologies designation are marked with double-asterisks [**], or by approval of a WRLS advisor.
- English 250 (Introduction to Writing, Rhetoric, & Literacy Studies) is an introduction to the multidisciplinary field of writing, rhetoric, and literacy studies.
- Note: Engl 250 is *not* a prerequisite for other WRLS courses and needn’t be taken first, but some students may find it a helpful orientation to the specialization.
Courses in this category include, but are not limited to, writing for public audiences or writing as civic action, as well as writing for the workplace, nonprofit organizations, or professional settings.
- English 300: Writing for Nonprofits
- English 350: Expository Writing
- English 350H: Expository Writing Honors
- English 379: Introduction to Professional Writing Required for all SPoW students prior to fall '23; still strongly recommended. Engl 379 is offered each fall semester and orients students to careers in writing as well as common genres of professional communication (e.g., grant proposals, memos, reports).
- English 380: Intermediate Technical Writing
- English 381: Advanced Technical and Professional Writing
- English 385: Creative Nonfiction
- English 386: Studies in Writing & Culture
- English 391C: Intro to Web Design** (offered every spring)
- English 391NM: Narrative Medicine: How Writing Can Heal
- English 392H: Professional Editing (offered infrequently)
- English 450: Advanced Expository Writing
- English 491R: Writing & Teaching Writing
- English 493G: Writing in Cyberspace**
- English 497B Writing for Democratic Action: The Art of the Essay
Courses in this category introduce students to rhetorical theory, writing studies, or critical perspectives on writing/literacy.
Does not include literary criticism or literary theory.
- English 300: Junior Year Writing — Topic: Race, Literacy and the American Dream
- English 300: Junior Year Writing — Topic: Historicizing Writing Technologies**
- English 300: Junior Year Writing — Topic: Writing Human Rights
- English 300: Picture This: Lives in Graphic Form
- English 301: History of the Book**
- English 329H: Tutoring Writing: Theory & Practice
- English 386: Studies in Writing & Culture
- English 388: Rhetoric, Writing, and Society
- English 391D: Writing and Emerging Technologies**
- English 391ML: Multilingualism and Literacy
- English 397R: Rhetoric, Writing, and Society
- English 412: History of the English Language
- English 486: Writing & Schooling
- English 491: Gender and Writing
- English 491BB: Origins of Reading
- English 491F: Literacy Studies in the US
- English 491X: History of the Book**
- English 497B Writing for Democratic Action
- English 329H/298H Tutoring Writing: Theory & Practice
- English 388 Rhetoric, Writing, & Society
- English 486 Writing & Schooling
Electives may come from the categories (above). Additional elective course options include:
- English 302: Studies in Textuality & New Media**
- English 389: The Major and Beyond: Career Exploration for English Majors
- English 398: Literary Programming, Editing and Publishing
- English 494DS: Data Science in the Humanities**
- English 494CI: Codes, Cyphers, Hackers & Crackers (Integrative Experience)**
- One of the electives may be an internship in writing or publishing (with UMass Press, for example).
Contact information
For more information or for approval of other courses that may be accepted for the requirements, contact one of the specialization advisors:
- Janine Solberg, E461 South College, @email
- Donna LeCourt, W347 South College, (413) 545-6597, @email
- David Toomey, E459 South College, (413) 545-5519, @email
"This specialization has given me the opportunity to get involved in UMass’s English Department from outside the major. It’s been a great way for me to access a wide array of writing experiences (professional, theoretical) that are relevant to my career goals."
"I just knew that I loved to write and wanted to keep practicing and pushing myself as a writer. ... The classes I’ve taken for SPoW (now WRLS) are some of the best English classes I’ve taken, and they have definitely given me the most marketable skills."
"My SPoW coursework encouraged me to think and talk about writing critically, which gave me a lot of confidence as a writer in different contexts. I really enjoyed my classes in Tutoring Theory and Rhetoric because they gave me a broader understanding of the field of English studies, and pushed me to think about myself as a reader and a writer in a challenging way ... SPoW has also helped me in my other English courses because I was able to read the literature with a focus on the different rhetorical techniques and writing styles."
SPOW especially drew me because I want to pursue a career in publishing and felt that a focus on writing and rhetoric studies would be essential to my career goals.
I was able to take courses that introduced me to new and challenging ways of thinking about writing such as the Tutoring Theory and Practice courses. I also was able to learn invaluable skills, such as how to write a professional grant proposal in English 379: Intro to Professional Writing, and gain some advanced software experience, such as Adobe InDesign in Topics in Digital Publishing, that will allow me to enter the business world of writing.
- American Studies
- Creative Writing
- Digital Humanities
- Environmental Humanities
- Literature as History
- Professional Writing and Technical Communication
- Social Justice: Race, Class, Gender, Ability*
- Teaching the English Language Arts
- Writing, Rhetoric, and Literacy Studies
- Individually Created Specialization