This fall, Peter Gizzi has given readings at:
- Pace University, NYC.
- The Disappearing Pheasant Festival, NYU.
- Harvard Divinity School.
- University College London.
- University of Kent, Canterbury.
- Café Oto, London.
- University of Birmingham.
- University of Plymouth.
- Counterpath, Denver, CO.
- University of Colorado, Boulder.
- 2020 Arts, Los Angeles, CA.
- Off Paradise Gallery in NYC.
As of late, his poems have appeared or are forthcoming in: The Brooklyn Rail, Cero, Conjunctions, Fieldnotes (UK), Granta (UK), Harper’s, New York Review of Books, The Poetry Review (UK), 3 Fold, and The Yale Review.
A new chapbook, Romanticism, is just out from Distance No Object: London.
For more on Gizzi’s work, see his faculty profile.